Do Agricultural Innovations Help or hurt the poor?
Most social science research over the past few decades has argued that agricultural innovations – whether technological, social or financial – end up reinforcing existing socio-economic hierarchies. This conclusion has been reached by innovation...
The number of women pursuing careers in the field of science is on the rise. Women remain, however, a significantly smaller proportion of scientists around the world; their male colleagues are estimated to constitute more than 70% of those...
A blog about cactus as an option crop for most farmers, this climate resilient plant shows promising signs of becoming an important contributor to regional food and forage security. Cactus as a fodder crop can address the widespread shortage of...
Chamomile Methanolic Extract Mitigates Small Bowel Inflammation and ROS Overload Related to the Intestinal Nematodes Infection in Mice
Background Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) is a plant which has been reported to be effective in treating several parasitic and digestive diseases. The present study was conducted to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of chamomile methanolic...
Effect of supplementation by cactus (Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis) cladodes on reproductive response and some blood metabolites of female goat on pre-mating phase
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of barley substitution by cactus during pre-mating phase on some reproductive parameters and blood metabolites of goats. Forty adult goats of local breed were allocated to two groups based...
Socioeconomic assessment of no-till in wheat cropping system: a case study in Algeria
This paper aimed at the socioeconomic appraisal of two cropping systems namely no-till and tilled wheat in Sétif region (Algeria). The study based on a sample of 28 adherent farms in an international project of Conservation Agriculture adoption...
Developing nitrogen management strategies under drip fertigation for wheat and maize production in the North China Plain based on a 3-year field experiment
The intensive winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–summer maize (Zea mays L.) cropping systems in the North China Plain (NCP) rely on the heavy use of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizers. As the fertigated area of wheat and maize in the NCP has...
Genetic diversity and matrilineal genetic origin of fat-rumped sheep in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is home to a diverse gene pool of indigenous sheep populations. Therefore, a better understanding of genetic variation holds the key to future utilization through conservation. Three of these breeds, Afar, Blackhead Somali, and Hararghe...
Estimation of the economic loss due to irrigation water use inefficiency in Tunisia
The main objective of this study is to estimate the total economic loss due to inefficient use of irrigation water in Tunisia. Several approaches have been used for this purpose. The optimal level of water application for different crops is...
Characterization of stem, stripe and leaf rust resistance in Tajik bread wheat accessions
Stem rust [causal organism: Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt)], stripe rust [Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst)], and leaf rust [Puccinia triticina (Pt)] are important fungal diseases of wheat in Central Asia and worldwide. Therefore...