Public-private partnership to transform malt barley value chain in Ethiopia
Expanding malt and brewery industry created opportunities for boosting domestic malt barley production for economic growth and better livelihoods, but access to technology was a limitation.
The magic of crop wild relatives in durum wheat breeding
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., 2n = 4x = 28, AABB) is the tenth most important crop in the world with an estimated production of 40 million tons in 2017 (Fig 1). Its global cultivation surface exceeds 18 million hectares, with Canada being...
Inspired by Nature - A Tunisian Farmer’s Perspective on Sustainable Integration of Crop and Livestock (long version)
The project "Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use and Soil Fertility in NEN and LAC Countries" is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The film...
Technical Report Livestock And Climate Change: Assessment Of Emissions, Mitigation Options And Adaptation Strategies
While Mediterranean livestock are particularly vulnerable to climate change, the livestock sector is responsible for about 14.5% of anthropogenic GHG emissions worldwide. There is a challenge in developing complementary adaptation and mitigation...
Lentil (Lens culinaris) demonstration for enhanced productivity at farmers field in India
The Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) sponsored project on lentil entitled “Enhancing Lentil Production for Food, Nutritional Security and Improved Rural Livelihoods” was implemented by International Center for...
Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use and Soil Fertility in NEN and LAC Countries - Algeria Film
The project "Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use and Soil Fertility in NEN and LAC Countries" is funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Despite...
Livestock Genomics for Developing Countries – African Examples in Practice
African livestock breeds are numerous and diverse, and typically well adapted to the harsh environment conditions under which they perform. They have been used over centuries to provide livelihoods as well as food and nutritional security...
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 1- Mating Period
This booklet is part of a ten-part series of technical Guidelines describing ‘Best practices for managing Awassi sheep’ – the dominant sheep breed in several countries across the Middle East. The series is targeted at sheep farmers and milk...
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 2-Pregnancy period
This booklet is part of a ten-part series of technical Guidelines describing ‘Best practices for managing Awassi sheep’ – the dominant sheep breed in several countries across the Middle East. The series is targeted at sheep farmers and milk...
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 1-Mating Period
This booklet is part of a ten-part series of technical Guidelines describing ‘Best practices for managing Awassi sheep’ – the dominant sheep breed in several countries across the Middle East. The series is targeted at sheep farmers and milk...