Framework for agricultural performance assessment based on MODIS multitemporal data
We present a hierarchical classification framework for automated detection and mapping of spatial patterns of agricultural performance using satellite-based Earth observation data exemplified for the Aral Sea Basin (ASB) in Central Asia. The...
Identification of chromosomal regions in the genetic control of quality traits in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) from the Fertile Crescent
Durum wheat genetic resources from Turkey and Syria are expected to harbor novel alleles for most traits that are of interest to breeders and consumers. However, there have not been sufficient efforts to investigate the genetic structure of this...
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 3-Lambing
This booklet is part of a ten-part series of technical Guidelines describing ‘Best practices for managing Awassi sheep’ – the dominant sheep breed in several countries across the Middle East. The series is targeted at sheep farmers and milk...
The uploaded document is a two page flyer describing objectives and components of the ICT2Scale project which aims to use ICT technology like SMS and short numbers and e-learning to strengthen partners and farmers in Tunisia
Indigenous knowledge, practices and preferences in control of gastrointestinal nematodes in Bonga and Horro sheep of Ethiopia
Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) remain one of the main health and production constraints of sheep globally. Considering alternatives to anthelmintics in control of GIN of sheep has become important mainly due to development of anthelmintic...
Analysis of the competitiveness of wheat and orange in Tunisia under water shortage scenarios
Increasing water shortage results in higher food prices which may affect the competitiveness of small irrigated farming systems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of water shortage on the competitiveness of orange and wheat...
Assessing Genetic Diversity of Shishi Date Palm Cultivars in Saudi Arabia and Qatar Using Microsatellite Markers
In this study fourteen microsatellite primer pairs were used to study the genetic diversity of Shishi Date palm in Qatar. A total of 32 date palm (15 Shishi cultivar, 10 Khalas and seven male date palms) were collected from Qatar and 5 Shihi...
Sustaining Farming Systems for Food Security and Economic Growth in Ethiopia
Farmer, industry and consumer preferred chickpea varieties identified and disseminated in 105 districts of Amhara, Oromia, SNNRP and Tigray regions. About 19 SPCs, 5 MPCs and 5 unions with membership of 11,024 (13.8% female) farmers involved in...
Diversification of wheat based cropping system through the introduction of high yielding barley and durum wheat in the highlands of Ethiopia
About 4.1 million farmers grow wheat in Ethiopia. Area coverage is 1.7 million ha. Wheat productivity is low due to diseases (rusts), grassy weeds and poor soil fertility, which is happening due to mono-cropping. Diversification of bread wheat...