Ethiopian barley landraces: useful resistant sources to manage Barley yellow dwarf and other foliar diseases constraining productivity
One hundred sixty-five advanced lines were subjected to marker-assisted selection using Cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence-polymerase chain reaction (CAPS-PCR) primer against Barley yellow dwarf (BYD) resistant Yd2 gene. In addition...
Genetic progress and economic benefit of community-based breeding programs for sheep out- and upscaling options in Ethiopia
In this study, expected genetic progress and economic benefits from implementing three community-based breeding programs for sheep (CBBP) out- and upscaling strategies were investigated. Strategy 1 is to replicate average existing CBBPs...
Improving food security and sustainable natural resources management through enhancing integrated agricultural production systems in the Arabian Peninsula 2014-2019
This publication demonstrates the scope of research and human resources development over the period between January 2014 and March 2019. It highlights some of the accomplishments as the result of the collaborative efforts among the seven...
Effet de la fertilisation minérale sur la culture du riz ( Oryza sativa L.) et du blé dur ( Triticum durum Desf.) dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal
Le travail a pour objectif de déterminer les combinaisons d'élément nutritif N, P et K optimal pour améliorer la productivité et la rentabilité du riz et du blé dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal. Des expérimentations ont été conduites au niveau...
Seed Info aims to stimulate information exchange and regular communication between seed staff in the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region and beyond. Its purpose is to help strengthen national seed programs and thus improve the...
Loci Controlling Adaptation to Heat Stress Occurring at the Reproductive Stage in Durum Wheat
Heat stress occurring during the reproductive stage of wheat has a detrimental effect on productivity. A durum wheat core set was exposed to simulated terminal heat stress by applying plastic tunnels at the time of flowering over two seasons...
Impact of rangeland rehabilitation strategies on drought resilience in Jordan
Degradation of the Jordanian rangelands jeopardizes the food security and sustainable development of the country. In response, organizations have implemented micro-water harvesting, controlled grazing and protection rehabilitation techniques to...
Predictive Characterization of ICARDA Genebank Barley Accessions sing FIGS and Machine Learning
The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) has a unique germplasm collection of barley, among many other crops that it holds in its genebank. This collection contains landraces and barley wild relatives and most...
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 5-Milk and Milk Processing
This booklet is part of a ten-part series of technical guidelines describing best practices for managing Awassi sheep – the dominant sheep breed in several countries across the Middle East. The series is targeted at sheep farmers and milk...
Effect of lactation season on Awassi sheep milk quality and fatty acid profiles
Awassi sheep milk is the main milk used to produce traditional dairy products in the Middle East. Sheep management during lactation is affecting milk quality including fatty acid profiles. Generally, farmers graze their animals and may offer a...