Opportunities and constraints in pastoral and agro-pastoral livestock systems: The ICARDA/ILRI experience
presentation in Animal production in the United Arab Emirates Status and perspectives conference held in United Arab Emirates. the presentation focused on Opportunities and changes in the livestock sector, the challenges of the pastoral and...
Genetic and economic evaluation of alternative breeding scenarios for community based productivity improvements of three indigenous goat breeds in Ethiopia
On station small ruminant researches in Ethiopia were ineffective due to various factors. As alternative, community based breeding program (CBBP) has emerged. In the current CBBPs, sires’ side selection only (SN1) was practiced. The objective of...
Community‐based breeding programmes are a viable solution for Ethiopian small ruminant genetic improvement but require public and private investment
Ethiopia has a large and diverse population of small ruminants, which contribute substantially to the livelihood and income of the rural poor and the country at large. However, the sector faces a number of challenges. Productivity per animal and...
Correlation and path analysis of yield, yield contributing and malt quality traits of Ethiopian sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) genotypes
Sorghum is a drought tolerant C4 tropical crop with wide diversity grown for food, feed and beverages. There is a growing demand for food and malt type sorghum varieties due to the low supply of mat barley, and climate resilient and gluten free...
Guide for farmers Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP)
The field guide gives some insight in the diversity of Moroccan pollinators, it shows how some of them look like and for which crops they are effective. The guide shows their habitat requirements, for example if they nest in soil or if they need...
Effect of grass reseeding on dry matter production and species composition of a community rangeland in Jodhpur, Rajasthan
The study was conducted on a community rangeland in Ajeetnagar, Bawarli, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India from 2015 to 2017. The objective was to investigate the effect of reseeding and soil depth on plant biomass production, density and botanical...
Where in the value chain are we losing the most food? The case of wheat in Jordan
Efforts to increase global food supply through increased productivity and intensity of cropping are well documented. However, the literature on measurement of food losses and wastage and techniques to reduce them is scanty. This study aimed at...
Nitraria retusa (Forssk.) Aschers: an important sand stabilizer for saline deserts
This factsheet describes the benefits, establishment, management, and effective maintenance of Nitraria retusa. Nitraria retusa, also known as Ghardaq or Sahanoon, is one of the leading halophyte perennial shrubs belonging to the Nitrariaceae...
Risk Factors for Reproductive Disorders and Major Infectious Causes of Abortion in Sheep in the Highlands of Ethiopia
Community-based sheep breeding programs (CBBPs) were established in Ethiopia since 2010. Improved rams from CBBPs need to be disseminated. However, there is a risk of transmitting reproductive diseases to other community flocks. To investigate...