The ICARDA 2030 Research & Innovation Strategy (ICARDA 2030) provides a roadmap for future endeavors. It builds on more than forty years of experience working with partners on dryland system transformation, gathering the evidence that the right...
Identification of novel genes associated with herbicide tolerance in Lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris Medik.)
Weeds pose a major constraint in lentil cultivation, leading to decrease farmers’ revenues by reducing the yield and increasing the management costs. The development of herbicide tolerant cultivars is essential to increase lentil yield. Even...
Environmental, economic and quality assessment of hybrid solar-electric drying of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae
The exploration of insects as a sustainable protein source is gaining interest as an alternative solution to ensure food security and meet the increasing global food demand. Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae (BSFL) present a natural...
Targeted improvement of plant-based protein: Genome-wide association mapping of a lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) diversity panel
The world is increasingly looking to plant-based sources to meet its protein needs.Multiple factors are driving this progression, ranging from nutritional and ethical con-siderations to climate change and population growth. As a pulse crop...
Detection and Molecular Characterization of Phytoplasma Associated with Phyllody Disease on Dimorphotheca Pluvialis in Egypt
During the spring of 2021-2022, imported grown African daisy (Dimorphotheca pluvialis L. Moench) plants (Family: Asteracae) exhibiting symptoms of phyllody phytoplasma, such as phyllody and virescence of flowers, and witches' broom, were...
Toward an operational tool to integrate land degradation neutrality into land use planning: LUP4LDN
Land use planning (LUP) to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) needs methods and tools that support the identification of best LUP solutions in terms of transitions from current degradative land use (LU) and land management (LM) practices...
Unveiling the Synergistic Effects of Phosphorus Fertilization and Organic Amendments on Red Pepper Growth, Productivity and Physio-Biochemical Response under SalineWater Irrigation and Climate-Arid Stresses
In regions facing water scarcity and soil salinity, mitigating these abiotic stresses is paramount for sustaining crop production. This study aimed to unravel the synergistic effects of organic matter and phosphorus management in reducing the...
Developing automated machine learning approach for fast and robust crop yield prediction using a fusion of remote sensing, soil, and weather dataset
Estimating smallholder crop yields robustly and timely is crucial for improving agronomic practices, determining yield gaps, guiding investment, and policymaking to ensure food security. However, there is poor estimation of yield for most...
Understanding Agency Within Context: The Case of Breeding Cooperatives Program for Transforming Small Ruminant Value Chain in Ethiopia
The role of agency in women’s empowerment, whether individual or collective, has long been at the center of feminist discourse. Although, highly context dependent, studies on agency are less contextualized. Based on mixed methods, we generated...
Genetic diversity analysis of Azerbaijani bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with simple sequence repeat markers linked to drought tolerance
Water stress causes large agricultural losses worldwide and deteriorates its quality. Drought tolerance in plants is a complex trait governed by multigenes and infleunce of various environmental factors affecting the expression of these genes...