Community‐based breeding programmes are a viable solution for Ethiopian small ruminant genetic improvement but require public and private investments
Ethiopia has a large and diverse population of small ruminants, which contribute substantially to the livelihood and income of the rural poor and the country at large. However, the sector faces a number of challenges. Productivity per animal and...
Mapping land suitability for maize (Zea mays L.) production using GIS and AHP technique in Zimbabwe
The study integrates geographic information system (GIS) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate land suitability for maize production in Zimbabwe using multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) process. Four thematic maps based on rainfall...
Multi-dimensional evaluation of response to salt stress in wheat
Soil salinity is a major threat to crop production worldwide. The global climate change is further accelerating the process of soil salinization, particularly in dry areas of the world. Increasing genetic variability of currently used wheat...
Faba bean seed system landscape in the highlands of Ethiopia: Smallholders’ varietal adoption, preference, and seed commercial behavior
This Working Paper documents the varietal adoption, preferences, and seed commercial behavior based on primary data collected in the 2014 cropping season from 549 randomly selected faba bean growers in four major crop production regional states...
Jacques Wery on the future of science & agricultural-policy gaps
Jacques Wery, deputy director general and director of research, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), talks about today's drought in the light of climate change, and what ICARDA is doing from systemic...
Fungicide Management of Faba Bean Gall (Olpidium viciae) in Ethiopia
Various biotic, abiotic and socio-economic factors negatively affect the productivity of the crop. Among these, a new disease known as Faba bean galls (Olpidium viciae) has become a serious threat to faba bean production and productivity in...
Decades of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Breeding for Better Grain Yield and Seed Size has Inadvertently Reduced G × E Interaction and Increased Inter-Temporal Performance Stability
Thirteen faba bean varieties including 11 released between 1977 and 2007 and two promising genotypes were evaluated at seven contrasting environments in the central and southeastern highlands of Ethiopia during the main cropping seasons of 2007...
The mechanical effect of different components in the automatic milking systems on the free fatty acids ffa in milk
There is an increasing trend in the number of automatic milking systems (AMS) installed worldwide. Various quality milk problems have been linked with AMS. New technologies use complex sensor technology than ever before. The robots use sensor...
Quantifying Yield Potential and Yield Gaps of Faba Bean in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the major faba bean growing countries in the world but with a low average national yield (≤ 2 t ha-1) compared to yield levels in other countries. The objective of this study was to determine potential yield (Yp), water...
ICARDA continued to play a critical role in the development, improvement, and dissemination of climate-resilient crop varieties last year. The varieties strengthened food and nutritional security and provided a critical defense against extreme...