Characterization of QTLs for Seedling Resistance to Tan Spot and Septoria Nodorum Blotch in the PBW343/Kenya Nyangumi Wheat Recombinant Inbred Lines Population
Tan spot (TS) and Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB) induced by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and Parastagonospora nodorum, respectively, cause significant yield losses and adversely affect grain quality. The objectives of this study were to decipher...
Yield gaps, adoption and seed commercial behaviour: Implications for chickpea seed system in Ethiopia
The paper presents the yield gaps, adoption of improved varieties and the commercial behaviour in seed of smallholder chickpea producers based on the primary data collected from 612 randomly selected farmers covering 36 kebeles from 18 chickpea...
Soil surface scarification: improving plant succession and ecosystem health toward sustainability
Research for Development initiatives for: promoting sustainable rangeland management practices and managing rangelands, one of this recommended practices is Soil surface scarification, applying this practice under arid climate conditions...
Effect of irrigation and nitrogen application on water productivity and performance of Cotton (Gossypium sp.)
An experiment was conducted at research farm, Agricultural research sub-station, Hanumangarh, a unit of Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner during Kharif season, 2016 to study the effect of water and nitrogen application...
Finding a Suitable Niche for Cultivating Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) as an Integrated Crop in Resilient Dryland Agroecosystems of India
Climate change poses a significant threat to agroecosystems, especially in the dry areas, characterized by abrupt precipitation pattern and frequent drought events. Ideal crops, tolerant to these events, such as cactus, can perform well under...
Finding a Suitable Niche for Cultivating Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus‐indica) as an Integrated Crop in Resilient Dryland Agroecosystems of India
Climate change poses a significant threat to agroecosystems, especially in the dry areas, characterized by abrupt precipitation pattern and frequent drought events. Ideal crops, tolerant to these events, such as cactus, can perform well under...
Final report: Group Training Course on Cactus Pear Evaluation & Best-Agronomic Practices
Cactus crops are gaining increasing interest across the globe, in particular cactus pear (Opuntia ficus indica), because of its unique characteristics which provide resilience to climate change impact and population pressure. Cactus pear can...
Wheat-lentil fortified flours: health benefits, physicochemical, nutritional and technological properties
Lentil (Lens culinaris) is among the most consumed legume worldwide, especially in developing country. Lentil seeds provide an excellent source of iron and zinc content, and a high level of protein. Six treatments of composites flours were...
Multi-agent system for integrating ecological processes at multiple scales with human decision-making: Solutions and lessons learned from a modelling framework applied in different landscape ecosystems
Modelling socio-ecological systems, in which social and ecological systems interact each other and co-evolve, are useful for supporting decisions in managing landscape ecosystems. Inter-linking socially interactive decision-making to relevant...
The water use efficiency and its determinants in small horticultural farms in Algeria
The objectives of this study are to calculate the water use efficiency (WUE) and its determinants in small-scale horticultural farms in Jijel-Taher in the Northeast of Algeria. This paper is divided into two main parts. We first start by...