Gender and agriculture in Tunisia: A brief country report
The brochure describes the gender aspects of extension in Tunisia and the scientific gender approach of the Mind the Gap project, including recommandation for extension services
Innovations Agricoles : options pour des approches de transfert de technologies agricoles appropriées dans les zones semi-arides en Tunisie
Une évaluation approfondie du système de vulgarisation agricole tunisien montre que des paquets technologiques améliorés destinés au système de production agricole mixte élevage-orge en Tunisie semi-aride permettent d’économiser jusqu’à 40 % des...
Simulating Crop Productivity in a Triple Rotation in the Semi‑arid Area of the Aral Sea Basin
Farmers face increased risks and vulnerability to the effects of climate change and land degradation on crop production due to the lack of information and impact assessment. This is especially true in the Khorezm, an irrigated agricultural...
CoED Leaflet: Estimating costs of environmental degradation in the mountains of Tajikistan EN
With only 7 percent of agricultural land, Tajikistan is a mountainous country located at the heart of Central Asian region, prone to desertification, salinization, soil erosion and forest loss. The first step to address the issue is to measure...
Брошюра: Оценка ущерба от деградации окружающей среды в горах Таджикистана (CoED)
Располагая лишь 7 процентами земель, используемых в сельском хозяйстве, горный Таджикистан расположен в центре региона Центральной Азии, подверженного опустыниванию, засолению, эрозии почвы и потере лесов. Первым шагом к решению проблемы...
Established in 1977, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is one of the 15 centers supported by CGIAR. ICARDA’s mission is to improve the livelihoods of the resource-poor in dry areas through research and...
Guidelines for Facilitating Women’s adoption of Improved Cereal Varieties in Sex-segregated Cultures
Women in the Global South play significant roles in farming but face inequalities in access to resources, land and extension support (3,4,5). Their roles in farming cereals, often perceived as male crops, are especially undermined (2). The...
دليـل الـــفــلاح الزراعة بالملقحات البرية (فاب) كيفية حماية الملقحات البرية والاستفادة من خدماتها
يعطي الدليل الميداني فكرة عامة على تنوع الملقحات في المغرب، ويوضح كيف يبدو بعضها وما هي محاصيلها الفعالة. يوضح الدليل أيضا متطلبات المحاصيل الخاصة بهم ، على سبيل المثال إذا كانوا يعششون في التربة أو إذا كانوا بحاجة إلى سيقان مجوفة (مثل الكانولا...
Structuration de la variabilité génétique et étude d’association pan-génomique des caroténoïdes utilisant la technologie DArTseq chez les populations locales de blé dur Tunisien
L’exploitation de la richesse allélique des populations locales de blé dur, qui sont bien adaptées à leur environnement d’origine, dans les programmes d’amélioration génétique est devenue une nécessité, pour faire face au changement climatique...
Legume-based rotations have clear economic advantages over cereal monocropping in dry areas
Current land use trends show an increasing preference for monocropping – mostly a consequence of policies and incentives aimed at enhancing the intensification of cereals. This shift has caused some to question whether legume–cereal rotations...