Growth-defense tradeoffs and source-sink relationship during both faba bean and lentil interactions with Orobanche crenata Forsk
Orobanche crenata Forssk., a root holoparasitic weed, represents a major biotic threat of legumes in the Mediterranean region. O. crenata could reduce the yield up to 90%. In this study, the effect of O. crenata on biomass production and...
Screening of Drought Tolerant Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes using Yield Based Drought Tolerance Indices
Drought is one of the major abiotic constraints seriously influencing bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotype production in Ethiopia. Genetic resources and selection methodologies are among the prerequisites to improve the efficiency of...
Gender and agricultural extension: why a gender focus matters
The long-term success of extension services is dependent upon addressing the underlying causes of gender inequality. However, gender analysis is often not included in the design and implementation of extension services. Our aim with this review...
Genre et agriculture en Tunisie : rapport national succinct
La brochure décrit les aspects sexospécifiques de la vulgarisation en Tunisie et l'approche scientifique du genre du projet 'Mind the Gap', y compris des recommandations pour les services de vulgarisation
VegMeasure® software was developed to help researchers to estimate vegetation canopy cover in different research areas, as well as different ecosystems. The software allows the estimation of grassland vegetation parameters and the monitoring of...
Good agronomic practices play a crucial role in achieving high and economically sustainable yields. The purpose of this work is to provides recommended Good Agricultural Practices relating to cactus pear plantation and establishment in different...
Diversity of genes for resistance to stripe rust in wheat elite lines, commercial varieties and landraces from Lebanon and Syria
Stripe (yellow) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a major threat to wheat production in Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA). Effective fungicides are available, but host resistance remains the most...
Effect of interaction among variety, planting date and plant density on incidence of luteoviruses naturally infecting chickpea in Al Ghab region of Syria
Luteoviruses (family Luteoviridae), persistently transmitted by aphids are among the most important viruses which cause economical losses and show yellowing and stunting symptoms on legume crops worldwide, including Syria. Field experiments were...