The XLS form (English & French) will be programmed in mobile data collection tool (ODK) in order to generate data on Conservation Agriculture practices and/or Conventional practices in Tunisia during the Project period.
Seed Info aims to stimulate information exchange and regular communication between seed staff in the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region and beyond. Its purpose is to help strengthen national seed programs and thus improve the...
Soil degradation problems and their solution in Uzbekistan
Presentation given on soil degradation in Uzbekistan as part of the International Conference, “Towards Sustainable Agriculture – What’s missing? What do we still need to know?” that took place on the 29th and 30th of November 2019 at the State...
Predicting Spatial Risk of Wolf-Cattle Encounters and Depredation
Spatial variability in terrain, vegetation, and other features affect cattle and wildlife distribution on mountainous grazing lands of the western United States. Yet we have a poor understanding of how this spatial variability influences risk of...
Quantifying regional effects of plastic mulch on soil nitrogen pools, cycles, and fluxes in rain‐fed agroecosystems of the Loess Plateau
Farmland surface soil mulching with plastic film is extensively used to enhance agricultural productivity in the Loess Plateau (LP). However, the effect of mulching on the key processes that dominate soil nitrogen dynamics is rarely assessed...
First Report of Spot Blotch of Barley Caused by Cochliobolus sativus in Morocco
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is grown on ∼2 million hectares in Morocco (av. 1.2 t/ha), with ∼70% under semiarid conditions (FAO 2017). Historically, net form net blotch (NFNB) (Pyrenophora teres f. teres [Ptt]) and spot form net blotch (SFNB) (P...
Agricultural Technology Transfer Preferences of Smallholder Farmers in Tunisia’s Arid Regions
The objective of this research study was to assess the sources of information on two improved agricultural and livestock technologies (barley variety and feed blocks) as well as the efficacy of numerous agricultural technology diffusion means...
Presentation on Assessing Risk of Bio-solids for Land Application –Ghweir, Al-Karak– 2017 with Introduction to soil amendment through sludge research activities: Studies by NARC.