Agricultural growth and sex-disaggregated employment in Africa: Future perspectives under different investment scenarios
Literature is scanty on how public agricultural investments can help reducing the impact of future challenges such as climate change and population pressure on national economies. The objective of this study is to assess the medium and long-term...
Development of a Platform for Artificial Insemination Packages and Reproductive Technologies in Goats
Synchronization of estrous assisted with other reproductive tools such as artificial insemination could offer a solution to the reproductive management in flocks. Some of the benefits include; kidding at desired time of the year meeting...
Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) is a probabilistic graphical model of causal relationships. It allows to calculate probabilities of different scenarios (events) relevant to the problem and to predict consequences of these scenarios. The...
Application of the BBN approach: Enhancing rangeland governance under constraining land tenure systems: case of South Tunisia
The presentation discusses the application of the Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) approach to enhance rangeland governance under constraining land tenure systems in the South of Tunisia.
Social network analysis (SNA) is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups...
Analyser les Stratégies des Acteurs : La Méthode MACTOR
Developed as a stage of strategic analysis by scenarios and one of the prospective methods. MACTOR is a multi-stakeholder / multi-purpose analysis tool for analyzing stakeholder strategies. it analyzes their power relationships, alliances...
L’Agroécologie Principes et pratiques d'un paradigme nécessaire
Opening presentation of the Expert Panel Meeting on “Characterization and scope of agroecological practices in the agricultural production systems of Tunisia” – Tunisia, 12th December 2019. The presentation presents a state of the art on the...
Perspectives de Coopération des Acteurs pour une Mise en Œuvre Efficace des Techniques de Mise En défense des Parcours du Sud Tunisien
The presentation discusses an Application exercise of MACTOR on the prospects of actors’ cooperation for an Effective Implementation of the defense techniques in the rangeland of Southern Tunisia.
The CLCA Project support the North Africa team transition from any paper-based data collection they may be conducting to the use of mobile data collection tools [(Open Data Kit (ODK)] because of the numerous advantages this brings onboard, such...
Report on establishing business linkages of lead seed farmers (with new seed treatment units) and small-scale famers in Tunisia
This report describes how the CRP livestock F&F supports four farmer cooperatives in Tunisia through the distribution of mobile seed cleaning and treatment units. Cooperatives use the units to provide services to their members and generate...