Evaluation and identification of wild lentil accessions for enhancing genetic gains of cultivated varieties
Domesticated lentil has a relatively narrow genetic base globally and most released varieties are susceptible to severe biotic and abiotic stresses. The crop wild relatives could provide new traits of interest for tailoring novel germplasm and...
Polly: A Tool for Rapid Data Integration and Analysis in Support of Agricultural Research and Education
Data analysis and modeling is a complex and demanding task. While a variety of software and tools exist to cope with this problem and tame big data operations, most of these tools are either not free, and when they are, they require large amount...
Collaboration between ICARDA projects and linkages to IFAD investment portfolio for enhancing seeds quality and forage production through entrepreneurship and farmers associations. Some examples from ICARDA activities in Tunisia
Small scale farmers in Tunisia are often using their own farm seeds to produce forage crops like barley, oat, and vetch. The mobile seed cleaning and treatment unit and the local grinder will allow farmers of farmer associations to improve their...
Contribution of small ruminants to food security for Ethiopian smallholder farmers
This study investigates how and to what extent arguments related to food security influence preference of livestock species for women and men. Data was collected in four regions of Ethiopia through 92 focus group discussions (FGD) in communities...
Assessment of Available Field Instruments for Each Institution and Calibration Status, and Recommend Possible Additional Instruments to Complement the Existing Ones
As a preparatory procedure of this ET project, the preliminary step was to visit the selected countries based on the prior communication with various NARS partners and ICARDA local offices about the feasibility of implementing the NENA-ETNet...
Evaluation of pulse crops’ functional diversity supporting food production
Pulses, defined as legumes which produce dry seed used for human consumption, are plants of great agronomic value, at the food system level as much as the field level but their diversity has been largely underused. This study aimed at analyzing...
مطوية حول الوقاية من أمراض الأغنام في تونس في إطار مشروع المنظومة المندمجة للزراعات الكبرى وتربية الماشية تحت نظامالفلاحة الحافظة من أجل تحسين كفاءة إستخدام الماء وخصوبة التربة والإنتاجية في بلدان شمال إفريقيا وأمريكا اللاتينية Leaflet about...
Assessment of the Animal health situation in Tunisia
Assessment of the animal health situation in Tunisia for a full integration of crop, livestock and animal health to pave the road for extending the project activities in conformity with the scaling road map of the CLCA packages.