CGIAR modeling approaches for resource-constrained scenarios: II. Models for analyzing socioeconomic factors to improve policy recommendations
International crop‐related research as conducted by the CGIAR uses crop modeling for a variety of purposes. By linking crop models with economic models and approaches, crop model outputs can be effectively used as inputs into socioeconomic...
In vitro Approaches for Shortening Generation Cycles and Faster Breeding of low β-n-oxalyl-l-α, β-diamino propionic acid content Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.).
Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) grows as long day plant under natural conditions with single breeding cycle per annum. There is a need to develop strategies by accelerating breeding activities, making it possible to grow more than one generation...
Effect of nurse crops and seeding rate on the persistence, productivity and nutritive value of sainfoin in a cereal-based production system
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) is one of the most drought-tolerant perennial legumes that can thrive in dry, alkaline soils. A 3-year study in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey compared the persistence, productivity and nutritive...
Viral diseases causing yellowing and stunting affecting cool season food legumes in Syria and the neighboring countries and their management
Viruses causing yellowing/stunting are the most important virus diseases affecting legumes in many regions of the world including Syria, and was considered for many years to be caused mainly by infection with Bean leafroll virus (BLRV, genus...
Role of sexual reproduction in the aggressiveness of Didymella rabiei affecting chickpea
Chickpea production is affected by Ascochyta blight disease in many countries and popular cultivars are put out of production due to the evolution of highly aggressive pathogen population. Sexual reproduction is believed to play an important...
The roles and potential of lentil prebiotic carbohydrates in human and plant health
Diet‐related ailments, such as obesity and micronutrient deficiencies, have global adverse impacts on society. Lentil is an important staple crop, especially in South Asia and Africa, and has been associated with the prevention of chronic...
Predictive Characterization for Seed Morphometric Traits for Genebank Accessions Using Genomic Selection
Seed traits of bread wheat, including the seed size that is considered to be associated with early vigor of the crop and end-use quality, are valuable to farmers and breeders. In this study, a collection of 789 bread wheat landraces, held in...
The local cost-effective, raised-bed machine for small-scale farmers has been developed by ICARDA and its national partners to promote the adoption of raised-bed technology at a larger scale.