Seed Info aims to stimulate information exchange and regular communication between seed staff in the Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region and beyond. Its purpose is to help strengthen national seed programs and thus improve the...
Enhancing a Traditional Water Harvesting Technique in Jordan’s Agro-pastoral Farming System
This Policy Brief draws lessons from research conducted by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) in Jordan, focusing on the development and monitoring of...
Assessment of spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics in tropical arid ecosystem of India using MODIS time-series vegetation indices
In the present study, we analyzed spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics to identify and delineate the vegetation stress zones in tropical arid ecosystem of Anantapuramu district, Andhra Pradesh, India, using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index...
Relationship Between Milk Composition And Progression With Fat Mobilization And Fatty Acids Profile On Awassi Sheep
This study aimed at assessing fatty acid composition of milk and fat tail of lactating Awassi ewes during lactation. Animals were maintained under traditional system with feed supplementation and were kept in different farms at Bekaa: Terbol...
Screening the FIGS Set of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) Germplasm for Tolerance to Terminal Heat and Combined Drought-Heat Stress
Lentil (Lens culinarisMedikus) is one of the most important cool season food legume crops grown in many countries. Seeds are typically rich in protein, fiber, prebiotic carbohydrates and minerals, such as iron and zinc. With changing climate and...
Maize relay intercropping with fodder crops for small-scale farmers in central Brazil
Relay intercropping of maize with fodder crops is a promising option for sustainable intensification of dairy small-scale farms in the Cerrado of Brazil. Twenty-six intercropping trials were conducted on farmers’ fields with the following...
Culture selected somaclonal variants showing low-ODAP and high protein content in nineteen grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) genotypes
To develop low-ODAP grass pea genotypes with high protein content, in vitro tissue culture techniques were used for inducing somaclonal variation through internode explants that was cultured on B5 medium containing 2 mg L−l α-naphthaleneacetic...
In-Vitro Plant Growth Promotion of Rhizobium Strains Isolated from Lentil Root Nodules under Abiotic Stresses
Plant growth-promoting rhizobia are known to improve crop performance by multiple mechanisms. However, the interaction between host plants and Rhizobium strains is highly influenced by growing conditions, e.g., heat, cold, drought, soil salinity...
Trade-Offs between Sustainability Indicators in Response to the Production Choices of Different Farm Household Types in Drylands
Simple Summary: Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) is one of the largest secretory signal conductive molecules and is in the TGF-beta superfamily. It plays an important role in the growth and development of hair follicles. We cloned the...
Biological interpretation of genotype × environment interaction in rainfed durum wheat
Climate variability and associated droughts are major environmental factors limiting crop productivity worldwide. Identification and better understanding of factors influencing genotype x environment (GE) interaction in drought-prone...