Over the past 70 years, the world has witnessed extraordinary growth in crop productivity, enabled by a suite of technological advances, including higher yielding crop varieties, improved farm management, synthetic agrochemicals, and...
Effect of water and nitrogen levels on yield attributes, water productivity and economics of cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in hot arid region
A field experiment was conducted at research farm, Agricultural Research Sub-Station, Hanumangarh, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan during Kharif, 2016 to study the effect of water and nitrogen levels on...
Finance is one of the key elements addressing development issues in Ethiopia. It plays a leading role in guiding development interventions in the country. Development strategies or programs (poverty reduction strategy, rural development strategy...
Phenotypic and Molecular Assessment for Genetic Diversity of Egyptian Wheat Varieties
GENETIC diversity among plant species is important for improving plant traits. Its estimation is very essential to help selection of genetic resources in breeding programs. Moreover, it is the base for effective and successful crop enhancement...
Germplasm Acquisition and Distribution by CGIAR Genebanks
The international collections of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) hosted by 11 CGIAR Centers are important components of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s global system of conservation and use of...
Hyperpredation of local adults ladybirds on the eggs of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri a potential predator of carmine cactus cochineal Dactylopius opuntiae in Morocco
The mealybug destroyer Cryptolaemus montrouzieri has been introduced in many countries for biological control of mealybug species, recently the ladybeetle was tested on the biocontrol efficiency of Dactylopius opuntiae in many countries such as...
Managing silvopastures: promoting native legume species; Lathyrus sativus L.: a Neolithic dual purpose annual legume grown for its seeds for human consumption, and fodder for livestock feeding
A factsheet about grass pea benefits, establishment and management, nutritional composition and effective management
The purpose of the ICARDA Policy on Sanctions Management (Sanctions Policy) is to provide guidance to ICARDA staff on sanctions affecting ICARDA’s activities and how to ensure compliance with binding sanctions.
Best Practices for Managing Awassi Sheep 8-Feed Reference Guide
In dry areas, sheep need large amounts of feed and this need grows every year due to the increasing number of animals and the increasing demand for animal products. At 75%, animal nutritional expenses constitute a high proportion of sheep...
Landscapes of opportunity: patterns of young people’s engagement with the rural economy in sub-Saharan Africa
While much has been said in recent years about the importance of engaging rural youth in subSaharan Africa’s development, the factual data about how African youth currently engage in rural economies remain sparse. We use recent nationally...