Genetic evaluation of growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Dorper × local crossbred sheep population
The present study was carried out to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for growth rate and efficiency-related traits in Dorper crossbred sheep population. Data on body weight collected from 2012 to 2021 at Debre Birhan Agricultural...
Exploring the genetic variability for root traits in mung bean under salinity stress
Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) holds significant importance as a pulse crop contributing to food and nutritional security. It is mainly cultivated in South Asia. Mung bean productivity is hampered by different abiotic stresses, particularly...
The Multifaceted Contributions of Community-Based Breeding Program of Bonga Sheep to Flock Dynamics, Animal Performance, and Socio-economic Benefits of Beneficiaries in Kafa Zone, Ethiopia
The community-based breeding program (CBBP) for Bonga sheep was introduced with the objective of improving the productivity of sheep and income of producers. Technical evaluation of the program reported outstanding outcomes in growth and...
Evaluation of genetic diversity using SSR markers and link with drought response of Azerbaijani durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes
Genetic diversity of 45 genotypes were shown in the list of genotypes Azerbaijani durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes were screened using simple sequence repeats (SSRs). These accessions were collected from various bioclimatic regions...
Harnessing digital innovations for climate action and market access: Opportunities and constraints in the CWANA region
There is growing optimism about the potential of digital innovations to support climate action and transform agricultural markets. We review and characterize the landscape of digital innovations in the Central and West Asia and North Africa...
Does climate change affect wheat productivity and water demand in arid regions? Case study of Egypt
The study investigates the effects of climate change on wheat productivity (Yw) and crop water requirements (CWR) across different regions in Egypt, highlighting the potential threat to the country's wheat self-sufficiency goals. Data spanning...
Performance evaluations of CMIP6 model simulations and future projections of rainfall and temperature in the Bale Eco-Region, Southern Ethiopia
Identifying best performing climate models is indispensable for better understanding of the future climate and its impact as well as for planning effective climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. This research aims to identify the...
Genetic control of root architectural traits under drought stress in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Root architectural traits play pivotal roles in plant adaptation to drought stress, and hence they are considered promising targets in breeding programs. Here, we phenotyped eight root architecture traits in response to well-watered and drought...
Association mapping of septoria tritici blotch resistance in bread wheat in Bale and Arsi highlands, Ethiopia
Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, anamorph Septoria tritici Rob. ex Desm., is an important wheat pathogen worldwide, reported to be major wheat production threating factor, posing considerable...
Whole-genome resequencing reveals genomic variation and dynamics in Ethiopian indigenous goats
Ethiopia has about 52 million indigenous goats with marked phenotypic variability, which is the outcome of natural and artificial selection. Here, we obtained whole-genome sequence data of three Ethiopian indigenous goat populations (Arab...