Estimates of genetic parameters and trends for reproduction traits in Bonga sheep, Ethiopia
Investigation was carried out to assess the effects of environmental factors and to estimate genetic parameters and trends for reproductive traits in Bonga sheep, Ethiopia. Animals used in this study were managed by two communities involved in a...
Metagenomic Insights into Rhizospheric Microbiome Profiling in Lentil Cultivars Unveils Differential Microbial Nitrogen and Phosphorus Metabolism under Rice-Fallow Ecology
The plant rhizosphere interfaces an array of microbiomes related to plant growth and development. Cultivar-specific soil microbial communities with respect to their taxonomic structure and specific function have not been investigated explicitly...
Genomic Regions Associated with the Control of Flowering Time in Durum Wheat
Flowering time is a critical stage for crop development as it regulates the ability of plants to adapt to an environment. To understand the genetic control of flowering time, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to identify the...
Heat and Drought Stress Impact on Phenology, Grain Yield, and Nutritional Quality of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus)
Lentil (Lens culinarisMedikus) is a protein-rich cool-season food legume with an excellent source of protein, prebiotic carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. With climate change, heat, and drought stresses have become more frequent and intense...
Genetic and Agro-morphological diversity in global barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) collection at ICARDA
Heat stress at later growth stage is one of the major limitations in achieving potential yield in barley. Incorporation of heat tolerance in the variety development process is an essential task that breeders would like to achieve by exploring...
Significance of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria in Grain Legumes: Growth Promotion and Crop Production
Grain legumes are an important component of sustainable agri-food systems. They establish symbiotic association with rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, thus reducing the use of chemical fertilizers. Several other free-living microbial...
Safeguarding a global seed heritage from Syria to Svalbard
Crop diversity underpins food security and adaptation to climate change. Concerted conservation efforts are needed to maintain and make this diversity available to plant scientists, breeders and farmers. Here we present the story of the rescue...
Tapping the Economic Potential of Chickpea in Sub-Saharan Africa
Chickpea is a nutrition-rich, cropping-system friendly, climate-resilient, and low-cost production crop. It has large economic potential in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, where it currently accounts for only approximately half a million...
Preference and Willingness to Pay for Small Ruminant Market Facilities in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia
This study elicits farmers’ preferences and estimates their willingness to pay (WTP) for selected small ruminant market facilities in Ethiopia. Data were generated using choice experiments from 360 randomly selected farmers. Using the...
Knowledge and perception on ticks and tick-borne diseases among veterinary medicine students from the North African countries of Algeria, Egypt, and Tunisia
Ticks are important vectors of both animal and human pathogens. The epidemiology of tickborne diseases (TBDs) has dramatically changed in several regions in the world. As parasitology is a continuously growing field, assessing the knowledge of...