Identification and allelic variation of drought responsive dehydrin gene based on sequence similarity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an economically important food legume grown in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Chickpea is cultivated mainly in the rainfed, residual moisture, and restricted irrigation condition. The crop is always...
Genome-Wide Analysis Revealed Homozygosity and Demographic History of Five Chinese Sheep Breeds Adapted to Dierent Environments
Homozygosity of long sequence genotypes are a result of parents transmitting identical haplotypes, which can be used to estimate their auto-zygosity. Therefore, we used high-density SNP Chip data to characterize the auto-zygosity of each breed...
A review of the effects of migration on the feminization of agrarian dryland economies
Intensifying outmigration in dryland areas affects women's roles in agriculture and related activities, with broader implications for productivity and gender equity. Using a systematic review of literature, we examine the effects of migration on...
Genome-wide association study of resistance to PstS2 and Warrior races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (stripe rust) in bread wheat landraces
Stripe or yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici is a major threat to bread wheat production worldwide. The breakdown in resistance of certain major genes and newly emerging aggressive races of stripe rusts pose...
Morocco is a well known hot-spot of biodiversity in the Mediterranean basin. While some taxa like vascular plants are relatively well recorded, important groups of pollinators like bees are still understudied. This article presents an updated...
Genetic analysis of survival potential of Boer x Central Highland goats under semi-intensive management
Kid survival is very critical to be profitable in goat production. Thus, this study was conducted to identify genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the survival rate of Boer x Central Highland goat and to estimate genetic parameters for...
RNA-Seq analysis and development of SSR and KASP markers in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris)
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris, 2n = 14) is a cool-season legume with high production potential for multiple uses. However, limited molecular research has been conducted in this species owing to its large genome, which impedes...
Functional description and development of polymorphic EST-SSR markers in bread wheat and their gene interactions network
The tolerance of abiotic stress is considered to be one of the key features of crop breeding under climate changes. For any crop improvement program, the selection of suitable gene pools among the germplasms is first needed. Drought and salinity...
Identification of smallholder farmers and pastoralists’ preferences for sheep breeding traits: choice model approach
Identification of breeding objective traits pertinent to specific production environments with the involvement of target beneficiaries is crucial to the success of a breed improvement program. A choice experiment was conducted in four locations...