Genome-wide association analysis of Mexican bread wheat landraces for resistance to yellow and stem rust
Deploying under-utilized landraces in wheat breeding has been advocated to accelerate genetic gains in current era of genomics assisted breeding. Mexican bread wheat landraces (Creole wheats) represent an important resource for the discovery of...
Genome‑wide comparative analyses reveal selection signatures underlying adaptation and production in Tibetan and Poll Dorset sheep
The identification of genome-wide selection signatures can provide insights on the mechanisms of natural and/or artificial selection and uncover genes related to biological functions and/or phenotypes. Tibetan sheep are an important livestock in...
Whole-Genome Sequence Data Suggest Environmental Adaptation of Ethiopian Sheep Populations
Great progress has been made over recent years in the identification of selection signatures in the genomes of livestock species. This work has primarily been carried out in commercial breeds for which the dominant selection pressures are...
Genome wide association study of grain yield and yield related traits in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under drought and heat conditions in three different locations
Abiotic stress, especially drought and heat, affects cereal yields and wheat production worldwide, more particularly in West and South Asia, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. The present study was carried out on 229 spring bread wheat...
Genetic diversity and recombination between turnip yellows virus strains in Australia
Disease outbreaks caused by turnip yellows virus (TuYV), a member of the genus Polerovirus, family Luteoviridae, regularly occur in canola and pulse crops throughout Australia. To understand the genetic diversity of TuYV for resistance breeding...
Towards Sustainable Rangeland Management and Strengthened Governance in South Tunisia
Rangelands represent one of the most important socioecological systems in Tunisia. However, since independence (1956), despite the Tunisian Government’s efforts in rangeland development, results and impacts in terms of efficiency, sustainability...
First sources of resistance in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to the stem borer weevil, Lixus algirus L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a grain legume widely cultivated in many countries for food and animal feed. The faba bean stem borer (Lixus algirus L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is considered one of the major biotic stresses of faba bean in some...
Current Perspectives on Introgression Breeding in Food Legumes
Food legumes are important for defeating malnutrition and sustaining agri-food systems globally. Breeding efforts in legume crops have been largely confined to the exploitation of genetic variation available within the primary genepool...
The food system is our last coal-fired power station, our last diesel engine. This book is a trans-disciplinary treatment of what needs to be done to make it not only sustainable but also to regenerate soil and water resources, habitat, economy...
Effect of temperature on the expression of resistance to Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in durum wheat cultivars
Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say) is a destructive insect pest occurring in many wheat growing areas of the world. The most effective management option for controlling Hessian fly is the use of resistant wheat cultivars carrying specific...