Preference and willingness to pay for small ruminant market facilities – Discrete choice experiment data
The data described in this brief were collected in 2018 as part of a national study to elicit preferences and estimate willingness to pay (WTP) for small ruminant market facilities in Ethiopia. We employed multistage sampling method to identify...
Physoderma, not Olpidium, is the true cause of faba bean gall disease of Vicia faba in Ethiopia
Faba bean gall (FBG) is a devastating disease of faba bean (Vicia faba) in Ethiopia. Studies were undertaken first to compare and contrast similarities between FBG disease symptoms and morphology in Ethiopia with those reported earlier in China...
Phytosanitary Interventions for Safe Global Germplasm Exchange and the Prevention of Transboundary Pest Spread: The Role of CGIAR Germplasm Health Units
The inherent ability of seeds (orthodox, intermediate, and recalcitrant seeds and vegetative propagules) to serve as carriers of pests and pathogens (hereafter referred to as pests) and the risk of transboundary spread along with the seed...
Towards assessing the resource criticality of agricultural livelihood systems
Despite the many advantages of sustainable intensification (SI), the level of adoption of SI practices in African smallholding farms is still very low, highlighting the need for adequate methods for monitoring farm sustainability. Research on SI...
Crop wild relatives use in durum wheat breeding: drift or thrift?
Crop wild relatives (CWR) are an important source of genetic diversity for crop improvement. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of deploying CWR in durum wheat breeding (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum). A set of 60 accessions was...
Rehabilitation of degraded rangelands in Jordan: The effects of mechanized micro water harvesting on hill-slope scale soil water and vegetation dynamics
Overexploitation and climate change accelerates the degradation of Jordan’s arid rangelands. Uncovered and crusted soils increase runoff and erosion and hinder the emergence of native vegetation. Micro water harvesting combined With shrub...
Evaluation of durum wheat lines derived from interspecific crosses under drought and heat stress
The productivity of durum wheat is affected by drought or/and high temperatures, challenges to be amplified by climate change. Pre‐breeding using wild relatives can supply useful traits for durum wheat improvement to adapt to major abiotic and...
Traits discovery in Hordeum vulgare sbsp. spontaneum accessions and in lines derived from interspecific crosses with wild Hordeum species for enhancing barley breeding efforts
Barley is a crop of global significance with multiple uses (feed, food and beverages), but its productivity worldwide is limited by several abiotic and biotic stresses. Crop wild relatives, exclusively, Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum and H...
Wild Lathyrus species as a great source of resistance forintrogression into cultivated grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.)against broomrape weeds (Orobanche crenata Forsk. andOrobanche foetida Poir .)
Broomrape weeds (Orobanche spp.) are root holoparasitic plants that cause serious damage to a range of legume crops in the Mediterranean and sub‐Saharan African regions. Grain yield of cultivated species of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is...
Exploring Optimum Crop Management Practices for Closing Yield Gaps using Crop Modeling
The use of crop models as decision support tools for exploring the consequences of various management decision options that interact with weather and soil factors are limited in Ethiopia. This study aimed to apply crop simulation CROPGRO-faba...