Assessment of Drought and Heat Tolerance of Durum Wheat Lines Derived from Interspecific Crosses Using Physiological Parameters and Stress Indices
Drought and high temperature are the major abiotic stresses for wheat production. The present study investigated the effect of drought and chronic heat stress on physiological parameters of durum wheat lines derived from interspecific crosses...
Water users associations and irrigation water use efficiency in costal oases areas of Gabes, South-eastern Tunisia
The objective of this study was to measure the efficiency level of Water Users Associations (WUAs) in the coastal oases of Gabès (South-Est of Tunisia) and assessing its main determinants. First, an input-oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA)...
An empirical approach of past and present mobility management in the desert societies of camel breeders in South Eastern Morocco
Nomad, semi-nomad and transhumant used to be the most frequent mobility types of pastoral society. Nowadays, these categories become questionable in regard to the evolution of the pattern life of families in southern Morocco. How do we link past...
AI-Driven Climate Smart Beekeeping for Women (AID-CSB) Project Brief
AI-Driven, Climate-Smart Beekeeping (AID-CSB) works with women beekeepers in Uzbekistan and Ethiopia to improve bee health and productivity. AID-CSB is made possible through a beekeeping app that is adopted to the local context through an...
AI-Driven Climate Smart Beekeeping for Women (AID-CSB) Project Brief in Russian
AI-Driven, Climate-Smart Beekeeping (AID-CSB) works with women beekeepers in Uzbekistan and Ethiopia to improve bee health and productivity. AID-CSB is made possible through a beekeeping app that is adopted to the local context through an...
AI-Driven Climate Smart Beekeeping for Women (AID-CSB) Project Brief in Uzbek
AI-Driven, Climate-Smart Beekeeping (AID-CSB) works with women beekeepers in Uzbekistan and Ethiopia to improve bee health and productivity. AID-CSB is made possible through a beekeeping app that is adopted to the local context through an...
Utiliser les TIC pour permettre aux petits exploitants d’accéder aux systèmes d’innovation agricole
L’innovation offre des opportunités d’emplois, et permet aux jeunes et aux femmes d’accéder à l’information, aux technologies et aux marchés. En outre, l’innovation permet de résoudre des problématiques d’alimentation et d’agriculture à des...
Yield and Cost Effects of Plot-Level Wheat Seed Rates and Seed Recycling Practices in the East Gojam Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Application of the Dose–Response Model
Previous studies investigated the effects of seed rates and seed recycling practices on the yield and yield-related variables. However, higher yield does not always guarantee cost-efficiency. This study aimed to investigate the yield effects of...
Unlocking the Patterns of the Tunisian Durum Wheat Landraces Genetic Structure Based on Phenotypic Characterization in Relation to Farmer’s Vernacular Name
During the 1970s, Tunisian durum wheat landraces were replaced progressively by modern cultivars. These landraces are nowadays maintained by smallholder farmers in some ecological niches and are threatened gradually by extinction resulting in...
Phenotypic ranking experiments in identifying breeding objective traits of smallholder farmers in northwestern Ethiopia
We executed two live animal ranking experiments, own-flock and group-animal ranking, to identify the breeding objectives of Arab and Oromo goat keepers in northwestern Ethiopia as a preliminary step towards designing sustainable breeding...