Genomic regions associated with herbicide tolerance in a worldwide faba bean (Vicia faba L.) collection
Weeds represent one of the major constraints for faba bean crop. The identification of molecular markers associated with key genes imparting tolerance to herbicides can facilitate and fasten the efficient and effective development of herbicide...
Pathogen diversity and mating types of Didymella rabiei isolates collected from Morocco
Ascochyta blight (Didymella rabiei) is an economically important disease of chickpea in Morocco and other parts of the world. Knowledge about pathogen diversity and their aggressiveness in the Moroccan D. rabiei population can help breeders to...
Malting Quality of ICARDA Elite Winter Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Germplasm Grown in Moroccan Middle Atlas
The use of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Morocco is still limited to food and feed despite the amplified demand by local industries for imported malt. This study aims to evaluate 36 barley elite lines for major grain physicochemical parameters...
High-Temperature and Drought Stress Effects on Growth, Yield and Nutritional Quality with Transpiration Response to Vapor Pressure Deficit in Lentil
High temperature and water deficit are among the major limitations reducing lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) yield in many growing regions. In addition, increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) due to global warming causes a severe...
Better Crop-Livestock Integration for Enhanced Agricultural System Resilience and Food Security in the Changing Climate: Case Study from Low-Rainfall Areas of North Africa
Increasingly frequent droughts, declining soil fertility, and poor plantanimal- atmosphere interactions are threatening the sustainability of integrated croplivestock systems in the rainfed drylands of North Africa. Previous research from around...
Phenotypic and genetic parameter estimates for early growth, growth rate and growth efficiency-related traits of Fogera cattle in Ethiopia
Background: Understanding the phenotypic and genetic parameter estimates of growth traits is important for an effective livestock genetic improvement programme. Objectives: In this study, we evaluated the phenotypic performances and estimated...
Output 9: Comparison Between Field Data and Remote Sensing Data Analyzed Comparing Evapotranspiration Retrieved Through Various Remote Sensing based Models with Ground Measured Data
Evapotranspiration (ET) measurement on a real-time basis at a large scale with high temporal frequency is important for agricultural water use and water resource planning. Identifying the differences between potential ET and crop ET at fine...
Willingness to Pay for Irrigation Services in the Cold Winter Deserts of Uzbekistan
Irrigation facilities in the cold winter deserts (CWDs) of Uzbekistan are very traditional and poorly managed, resulting in low water use efficiency and low productivity. Improving the irrigation facilities in these deserts is a key priority for...