Variety Development of Wheat in Turkey and the Impact of Regulations
The main aims of this study were to compile the historical wheat variety list released in wheat breeding in Turkey, to compare the wheat variety release with some selected countries and evaluate the impact of regulations on wheat research and...
Selenium supplementation to lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) under combined heat and drought stress improves photosynthetic ability, antioxidant systems, reproductive function and yield traits
Purpose Increasing temperatures are generating heat and drought stress, especially for the cool-season crops such as lentil,; selenium can mitigate the adverse effects of various abiotic stresses but has never been tested in plants facing...
Historical Review and Future Opportunities for Wider Scaling of Conservation Agriculture in Tunisia
In Tunisia, rainfed agriculture is facing the major challenges of low and irregular rainfall, as well as natural resources degradation. These are further accentuated by climate change. Changes in technical and management paradigms are needed to...
Plot-level impacts of improved lentil varieties in Bangladesh
The advent of improved lentil varieties (ILVs) in the mid-1990s solved the disease problem which almost halted lentil production in Bangladesh. Levels of adoption of ILVs have been documented in the literature, but little is known about their...
Heterogeneity of Resilience of Livelihood Strategies in Pastoral and Agropastoral Farming Systems of Rural Semi-arid to Arid Areas in Morocco
A large proportion of rural households, particularly in the dry land areas, representative for more than 10% of the world's land surface and up to 80% in Morocco, depend for their livelihoods on livestock. They exploit livestock's capacity to...
Towards Climate Change Preparedness in the MENA’s Agricultural Sector
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) represents a substantial area of the terrestrial landmass encompassing several countries and ecosystems. This area is generally drier and warmer compared to the rest of the world, and has extreme resource...
Adaptability and Stability of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Accessions under Diverse Environments and Herbicide Treatments
The adaptability and stability of 37 faba bean (Vicia faba L.) accessions with different levels of tolerance to metribuzin or imazethapyr was assessed across 12 season–location–herbicide experiments. Significant Genotype x environment (GE)...
Genetic and economic evaluation of alternative breeding schemes for two indigenous goat populations of Ethiopia
In this study, breeding objective traits were identified, and alternative breeding schemes were simulatedand evaluated for two goat populations. The traits were as follows: body size, twinning ability and kiddinginterval (KI) for Arab goats and...
Organic dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) biofortification for better human health
A primary criticism of organic agriculture is its lower yield and nutritional quality compared to conventional systems. Nutritionally, dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a rich source of low digestible carbohydrates, protein, and micronutrients. This...
Awassi Sheep Milk Fatty Acid Profile during lactation under a traditional grazing system in semi-arid regions
The effects of lactation stage, farm and the stage × farm interaction on the main components, physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of Awassi ewes’ milk were studied (n = 16) over all lactation stages starting from day 10 to...