Biodiversity of Nematode Communities Associated with Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Southern Morocco and Their Contribution as Soil Health Bioindicators
Soil nematodes are major soil organisms known to reduce wheat production worldwide. However, they are a crucial part of soil biodiversity. Due to the limited data available regarding nematode biodiversity associated with cereal crops in Morocco...
Genome variation in tick infestation and cryptic divergence in Tunisian indigenous sheep
Background: Ticks are obligate haematophagous ectoparasites considered second to mosquitos as vectors and reservoirs of multiple pathogens of global concern. Individual variation in tick infestation has been reported in indigenous sheep, but its...
Assessing the sustainability of livestock socio-ecosystems in the drylands through a set of indicators
Analyzing the sustainability of grazing livestock farming systems in the drylands at the farm and household or territorial levels (in terms of food security, well-being, value chain performance, feed supply, and maintenance of common grazing...
Survival, morphological variability, and performance of Opuntia ficus-indica in a semi-arid region of India
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) can survive extreme environmental condition and is known for its fodder potential in many parts of the world. The morphological diversity of 15 introduced accessions was evaluated at Jhansi, Uttar...
Single-Plant Selection at Ultra-Low Density Enhances Buffering Capacity of Barley Varieties and Landraces to Unpredictable Environments and Improves Their Agronomic Performance
Rainfall and temperature are unpredictable factors in Mediterranean environments that result in irregular environmental conditions for crop growth, thus being a critical source of uncertainty for farmers. This study applied divergent single...
Towards the Development, Maintenance and Standardized Phenotypic Characterization of Single-Seed-Descent Genetic Resources for Chickpea
Here we present the approach used to develop the INCREASE “Intelligent Chickpea” Collections, from analysis of the information on the life history and population structure of chickpea germplasm, the availability of genomic and genetic resources...
Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides: Friend or Foe for Human and Plant Health?
Raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) are widespread across the plant kingdom, and their concentrations are related to the environment, genotype, and harvest time. RFOs are known to carry out many functions in plants and humans. In this paper...
Managing salinity for sustainable agricultural production in salt-affected soils of irrigated drylands
CONTEXT Declining water quantity and quality and poor land, water, and crop management practices are leading to increasing soil salinity, land degradation, desertification, and threatening the overall sustainability of the crop production system...
Genetic characterization and genome-wide association mapping for stem rust resistance in spring bread wheat
Emerging wheat stem rust races have become a major threat to global wheat production. Finding additional loci responsible for resistance to these races and incorporating them into currently cultivated varieties is the most economic and...
Hybrid Seed Set in Relation with Male Floral Traits, Estimation of Heterosis and Combining Abilities for Yield and Its Components in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Breeding hybrids with maximum heterosis requires efficient cross-pollination and an improved male sterility system. Renewed efforts have been made to dissect the phenotypic variation and genetic basis of hybrid floral traits, although the...