ICARDA in Morocco a long history of bettering rural lives together
ICARDA formalized its partnership with Morocco on the 18th of January 1985 signing a formal agreement with the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco. Morocco welcomed ICARDA when it relocated from Syria due to conflict in 2012, and it has since...
Genetic parameters and trends of growth traits in community-based breeding programs of Abera sheep in Ethiopia
The objectives of the current study were to estimate the genetic parameters and genetic trends for growth traits, and to assess inbreeding levels of Abera sheep under community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) in Ethiopia. General linear model...
Novel Genomic Regions Linked to Ascochyta Blight Resistance in Two Differentially Resistant Cultivars of Chickpea
Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by the fungal pathogen Ascochyta rabiei, is a devastating foliar disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)-based approach was deployed for mapping QTLs associated with AB...
Improved agricultural input delivery systems for enhancing technology adoption: evidence from a field experiment in Ethiopia
In this study, we test the hypothesis that small-scale testing can reduce the risk and uncertainty of trying new technologies. We conducted a field experiment, in a cluster randomised control trial setting, to examine whether the availability of...
Genetic Dissection of Heat Stress Tolerance in Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Using GWAS
Heat waves are expected to become more frequent and intense, which will impact faba bean cultivation globally. Conventional breeding methods are effective but take considerable time to achieve breeding goals, and, therefore, the identification...
Effect of chickpea genotypes on Liriomyza cicerina oviposition preference and insect performance
Chickpea Leaf miner, Liriomyza cicerina Rond., behavior was investigated regarding the oviposition preference and insect performance. In choice situation, the insect was able to discriminate among the presented cultivars of chickpea and showed...
Effect of High Temperature Stress During the Reproductive Stage on Grain Yield and Nutritional Quality of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus)
High temperature during the reproductive stage limits the growth and development of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). The reproductive and seed filling periods are the most sensitive to heat stress, resulting in limited yield and nutritional...
Impact of improved agricultural extension approaches on technology adoption: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial in rural Tunisia
Low and slow adoption of innovative technologies among smallholder farmers in Tunisia is a key agricultural development problem partly related to the existing technology transfer approach used in the country. The objective of this study is to...
Impact of rangeland enclosure and seasonal grazing on protected and unprotected rangelands in Chakwal region, Pakistan
Scrub rangelands support livestock grazing and provide ecosystem services to their inhabitants. The present study was conducted in Chakwal, an important tract of the Pothwar Plateau, which sustains herds of small domestic and nomadic ruminants...
Legumes, members of the Fabaceae/Leguminosae family, are the third largest family of higher plants with almost 20,000 species belonging to 650 genera, and are ubiquitous all over the world. Among all legumes, pulse crops or food legumes fall...