Genome wide association study for stripe rust resistance in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat (Triticum aes- tivum L.) worldwide causing huge yield losses every year. Development and deployment of resistant varieties is the...
Integrating Sowing Date with Chickpea Genotypes in Managing Fusarium Wilt in Morocco
Integrating Sowing Date with Chickpea Genotypes in Managing Fusarium Wilt in Morocco: Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.p ciceris (Foc) is a devastating soil-borne disease of the chickpea. The disease causes crop losses in late...
Evaluation of performance and stability of new sources for tolerance to post-emergence herbicides in lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris Medik.)
Yield losses in lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris Medik.) caused by weeds are estimated at 20–80%. In the absence of effective broad-spectrum herbicides, the menace of weed has emerged as a serious yield constraint in lentil. Aims...
First insights into the microbiome of Tunisian Hyalomma ticks gained through nextgeneration sequencing with a special focus on H. scupense
Ticks are one of the most important vectors of several pathogens affecting humans and animals. In addition to pathogens, ticks carry diverse microbiota of symbiotic and commensal microorganisms. In this study, we have investigated the first...
A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifying Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Iron and Zinc Biofortification in a Worldwide Barley Collection
Micronutrient deficiency affects half of the world’s population, mostly in developing countries. Severe health issues such as anemia and inadequate growth in children below five years of age and pregnant women have been linked to mineral...
Coupling Effects of Nitrogen and Irrigation Levels on Growth Attributes, Nitrogen Use Efficiency, and Economics of Cotton
Nitrogen (N) fertilization plays a pivotal role in physiomorphological attributes and yield formation of field-grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), but little is known of its interaction with irrigation levels. Therefore, this study was...
Assessment of the suitability of Triticum turgidum accessions for incorporation into a durum wheat breeding program
Expanding the genetic basis of modern wheat cultivars may improve yield stability and increase grain yields under climatic changes, to feed the growing human population. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential for...
A climate-based model for tick life cycle: positive semigroup theory on Cauchy problem approach
The distribution of ticks is essentially determined by the presence of climatic conditions and ecological contexts suitable for their survival and development. We build a model that explicitly takes into account each physiological state through...
State of ex situ conservation of landrace groups of 25 major crops
Crop landraces have unique local agroecological and societal functions and offer important genetic resources for plant breeding. Recognition of the value of landrace diversity and concern about its erosion on farms have led to sustained efforts...
Crop–livestock systems transformation in the semiarid zones of North Africa over a decade: approach and case-study in Southern Tunisia
Understanding and representing the transformation of agricultural production systems has attracted increasing interest due to its importance for identifying drivers of changes and coping mechanisms in response to global challenges. These...