Biocontrol activity of Bacillus, Paenibacillus and Pseudomonas against Fusarium wilt of chickpea in Morocco
Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp ciceris is one of the major diseases impacting chickpea productivity. Significant losses are reported by farmers due to the absence of effective wilt management options. Biological control using...
Mining alleles for tar spot complex resistance from CIMMYT's maize Germplasm Bank
The tar spot complex (TSC) is a devastating disease of maize (Zea mays L.), occurring in 17 countries throughout Central, South, and North America and the Caribbean, and can cause grain yield losses of up to 80%. As yield losses from the disease...
Economic and environmental evaluation of different irrigation systems for date palm production in the GCC countries: the case of Oman and Saudi Arabia
This study evaluates the irrigation water volumes’ effect on the date palm productivity and water use efficiency under several conventional and improved irrigation systems (surface, subsurface, bubbler, subsurface drip irrigation). The study is...
Exploratory Survey of Lixus algirus L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Its Natural Enemies in Morocco
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the most important food legumes, and it is grown in Morocco under rainfed conditions. This crop is cultivated for use in both human food and animal feed and has a high protein content and nutritional value...
The form is used for reporting data for computing indicator values for the indicator: Number of policies or strategies that were developed using WOCAT tools, methods and knowledge
Unraveling Origin, History, Genetics, and Strategies for Accelerated Domestication and Diversification of Food Legumes
Domestication is a dynamic and ongoing process of transforming wild species into cultivated species by selecting desirable agricultural plant features to meet human needs such as taste, yield, storage, and cultivation practices. Human plant...
The presentation was made to the WOCAT executive meeting held on 20th July 2022. The theme of the presentation was the arrangements being made to improve the routine monitoring of WOCAT 2020+
Wheat Production and Breeding in Ethiopia: Retrospect and Prospects
Wheat, cultivated on a total area of 2.1 million hectares annually with a total production of 6.7 million tons, is one of the most important food security crops in Ethiopia. However, there is a huge gap between wheat production and supply due to...
Heritability and genetic gain of digestible organic matter intake of barley straw genotypes by sheep, using repeatable in situ- and laboratory-based indicator traits
The voluntary digestible organic matter intake (DOMI) of mature barley crops (Hordeum spp.) for sheep depends largely on straw quality. Direct measurement of DOMI is laborious; consequently, the research reported here evaluated indicator traits...
Empowerment resources, decision-making and gender attitudes: which matter most to livestock keepers in the mixed and livestock-based systems in Ethiopia?
Women's empowerment constitutes an important aspect of the development agenda. Although it is highly contextual in nature, empowerment literature so far has focussed on identifying factors associated with empowerment, neglecting the importance...