Vegetation dynamics under different management interventions in arid rangelands of Rajasthan
An experiment was conducted from 2015 to 2017 on a community rangeland located in Ajeet Nagar, Bawarli, Jodhpur to study the effect of different management interventions and soil depths on vegetation characteristics. The community rangeland area...
Soil water erosion assessment in Morocco through modeling and fingerprinting applications: A review
During the last century, a great deal of effort has been directed toward determining soil erosion rates using various methods under a wide range of climatic conditions, soil types, land uses, topography, and among others. Therefore, to better...
Genetic mapping of QTLs for drought tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Chickpea yield is severely affected by drought stress, which is a complex quantitative trait regulated by multiple small-effect genes. Identifying genomic regions associated with drought tolerance component traits may increase our understanding...
Nutritive Value of Ajuga iva as a Pastoral Plant for Ruminants: Plant Phytochemicals and In Vitro Gas Production and Digestibility
This study aims to evaluate the nutritive value of Ajuga iva (A. iva) harvested from three distinct altitude regions in Tunisia (Dougga, Mograne, and Nabeul). The chemical composition, phenolic concentration, gas production, and in vitro dry...
The efficiency of estrus synchronization protocols and artificial insemination in the Abergelle goat on-station and on-farm conditions of Northern Ethiopia
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different estrus synchronization protocols followed by artificial insemination on estrus response and the conception rate of Abergelle goats. Three estrus synchronization protocols: (i) the...
Wild vegetation and ‘farming with alternative pollinators’ approach support pollinator diversity in farmland
Several management practices have been suggested to mitigate the global pollinator decline in agro-ecosystems, including wildflower strips and Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP). FAP proposes to dedicate 25% of the field area to seed...
Conservation agriculture improves agronomic, economic, and soil fertility indicators for a clay soil in a rainfed Mediterranean climate in Morocco
CONTEXT: Declining rainfall with increasing variability, increasing temperature extremes, and declining soil fertility are threatening crop production and ultimately food security in the rainfed Mediterranean environment in Morocco. Conservation...
Exploring Chickpea Germplasm Diversity for Broadening the Genetic Base Utilizing Genomic Resourses
Legume crops provide significant nutrition to humans as a source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids as well as specific macro and micronutrients. Additionally, legumes improve the cropping environment by replenishing the soil nitrogen content...