A comprehensive analysis of Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (TPS) gene for salinity tolerance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Soil salinity affects various crop cultivation but legumes are the most sensitive to salinity. Osmotic stress is the first stage of salinity stress caused by excess salts in the soil on plants which adversely affects the growth instantly. The...
Predicting farmers’ uptake of spineless cactus in the Arabian Peninsula: a case study of Qatar
This study aims to determine the expected level and time to peak at the maximum level of adoption of spineless cactus (SC) technology introduced in the State of Qatar, to investigate the factors influencing adoption of this technology, and to...
Pathways to Empowerment: Case Studies of Positive Deviances in Gender Relations in Ethiopia
Development eforts have increased women’s perceived empowerment and freedom, yet have failed to sustainably alter gender norms. There is a lack of research investigating reasons for this anomaly. This study, departing from the conventional...
Preliminary study on the seasonal questing of Ixodes ricinus group ticks in Ain Draham forest (north-western Tunisia) with analyses of their phylogenetic diversity
The present study aimed to investigate the activity dynamics of Ixodes ricinus group ticks in a forest located in north-western Tunisia (Aïn Draham, Jendouba District) and assess the variation of abiotic factors (temperature, Normalized...
Response of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.) to boron and farmyard manure application under arid soils conditions in Kutch, Gujarat
As livestock is an important component of livelihoods in the arid regions of Kutch in Gujarat, India, smallholder farmers have difficulties in cultivating fodder crops during the driest seasons of the year. Water scarcity in arid regions can...
Spineless fodder cactus under different land use and production systems in rainfed semi-arid tropics of India
Spineless forage cactus can be a cost-effective solution for the livestock keepers of semi-arid tropics by providing a stable source of nutritive forage capable of maintaining healthy and productive herds/flocks especially during lean periods...
Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of Tunisia
Arid and semi-arid lands are considered unsuitable for crop production because they require substantial amounts of water and additional nutrients. However, certain species can perform well and enhance the livelihoods of poor farmers. In the semi...
Impact of awareness campaign for enhancing adoption of new cactus pear accessions in Jordan
Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) fruits are increasingly in demand by consumers in Jordan and across the Mediterranean region. For many decades, the only cactus pear fruit available in local markets were the yellow-orange fruits...
Performance of Cluster Bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) under Varying Levels of Irrigation and Nitrogen
Background: Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) is important commercial crop which belongs to family Leguminosae and has capacity to fix the atmospheric nitrogen. The nitrogen fixed by the legume crop is not enough to meet the demand of...
Does Maturity Change the Chemical-Bromatological Makeup of Cladodes in Spineless Forage Cactus?
In Kutch (Gujarat District, India), there is a growing concern about the lack of good quality forage owing to the arid climate and poor soil health. Opuntia ficus-indica has been increasingly recognized as a drought-resilient forage in arid...