The interaction between drought stress and nodule formation under multiple environments in chickpea
Environmental stresses, particularly drought, limit symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes, resulting in decreased yielding capacity. Drought is one of the most important constraints limiting yield potential in crops and it is the major abiotic...
Genetic Dissection of Drought Tolerance of Elite Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes Using Genome Wide Association Study in Morocco
Drought is one of the most important yield-limiting factors in Morocco. Identification and deployment of drought-tolerant wheat varieties are important to cope with the challenge of terminal moisture stress and increase wheat productivity. A...
A synthesis of soil organic carbon mineralization in response to biochar amendment
Biochar amendment can alter native soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization via the priming effect (PE); however, its direction, intensity, and controls over a broad geographic scale are not clear, undermining the predictions of SOC dynamics as...
Agricultural resource and risk management with multiperiod stochastics: A case of the mixed crop-livestock production system in the drylands of Jordan
Generally, agricultural production involves several challenges. In the drylands, it is further complicated by weather-related risks and resource degradation. In this paper, we present a case study of the mixed crop-livestock production system in...
Whole-genome resequencing of Dorper and Hu sheep to reveal selection signatures associated with important traits
Dorper and Hu sheep exhibit different characteristics in terms of reproduction, growth, and meat quality. Comparison of the genomes of two breeds help to reveal important genomic information. In this study, whole genome resequencing of 30...
Evaluating InVEST model for simulating annual and seasonal water yield in data-scarce regions of the Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) Basin: implications for water resource planners and managers
In developing countries, hydrological data is one of the limiting factors for evidence-based water resources planning and management. Thus, evaluating the performance of hydrological models that require relatively simple inputs is imperative for...
Genome-wide analysis identified candidate variants and genes associated with heat stress adaptation in Egyptian sheep breeds
Heat stress caused by climatic changes is one of the most significant stresses on livestock in hot and dry areas. It has particularly adverse effects on the ability of the breed to maintain homeothermy. Developing countries are advised to...
Diversity of thermal aptitude of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici isolates from different altitude zones
The worldwide spread of wheat yellow rust lineage PstS1/S2 adapted to higher temperatures prompted us to investigate how diverse temperature responses of this lineage are in the Middle East, where diversity was previously observed within this...
A review of crop water productivity in the Mediterranean basin under a changing climate: Wheat and barley as test cases
The ever-increasing water demands in the agricultural sector of the Mediterranean basin region (MBR) under climate change warrants that crop water productivity (WP) is a relevant topic for discussion. Considering this need, this study aims to...
A field survey was conducted during March and April 2010, to identify viral diseases affecting cereal and legume crops in different regions of Libya. A total of 3706 barley and wheat samples were collected randomly in addition to 187 symptomatic...