Agricultural Livelihood Types and Type-Specific Drivers of Crop Production Diversification: Evidence from Aral Sea Basin Region
Understanding the factors driving the farmers’ decisions to diversify their crop production is important for management strategies and policies promoting climate-smart agricultural development. Options for diversification and its associated...
Understanding Changes in the Hydrometeorological Conditions towards Climate-Resilient Agricultural Interventions in Ethiopia
Climate resilient agriculture (CRA) is very important to achieve long-term improvement in productivity and farm incomes under climate uncertainty. The present study focuses on investigating the plausible changes in the hydrometeorological...
Projecting wheat demand in China and India for 2030 and 2050: Implications for food security
The combined populations of China and India were 2.78 billion in 2020, representing 36% of the world population (7.75 billion). Wheat is the second most important staple grain in both China and India. In 2019, the aggregate wheat consumption in...
Registration of ‘Krib’ new lentil variety in Tunisia
In Tunisia, lentil (Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris Medik.) is cultivated in arid and semi-arid areas. Terminal drought and heat stresses during the end of cycle causes signifcant yield losses. Selection of short cycle varieties could be the...
Genetic Variation for Traits Related to Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Vigna Species
Phosphorus (P) is a major limiting nutrient reducing crop yields especially in weathered soils of the subtropics and tropics. P exhibits poor mobility and availability to plants in soil. To overcome P deficiency in soil, phosphatic fertilizers...
Effect of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilization on Soil Properties and Yield of Five Durum Wheat Germoplasms in a Dry Area of Morocco
In Morocco, cereal production is below the expected potential. The adoption of best agricultural practices that reduce vulnerability to climate is a major requirement. No-tillage (NT) agriculture is a system that could improve cereal production...
Fermentation Characteristics and Nutritional Value of Avena sativa Genotypes Ensiled with or without Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum)
The objective of this study was to investigate the fermentation characteristics and nutritional value of A. sativa genotypes ensiled either solely or in combination with P. purpureum 16791. Three different A. sativa genotypes (SRCPX80AB2806...
Assessing complementary synergies for integrated crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture in Tunisian dryland farming systems
The aim of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to measure the technical efficiency of mixed crop-livestock (CL) smallholder producers operating under conservation agriculture systems in Tunisian rainfed areas. The second objective is...
Identification of suitable land for supplemental surface irrigation in semi-arid areas of North-western Ethiopia
In arid and semi-arid areas, a shortage of soil moisture limits rainfed crop growth and consequently reduces crop yield. By adding a small amount of water, supplemental irrigation can boost crop yields dramatically. The objective of this study...
Addition of Chickpea Flour in Durum Wheat Flour Makes Tortilla More Nutritious and Palatable, and Technologically Acceptable
In order to contribute to the reduction of nutritional deficiencies in Morocco, this study was undertaken to develop a healthier tortilla with higher iron and protein, while maintaining adequate technological and sensory qualities. Composite...