Efficiency of spatial methods in yield trials in lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris)
Incomplete block (IB) analysis of lentil yield trials in lattice block designs substantially reduced experimental error variability compared to randomized complete block (RCB) analysis. Spatial variability, which may exist in two dimensions in...
Links between ICARDA and Spain are long established. A glance at any map of the Mediterranean will help explain why both have benefited from this collaboration. Spain is an active member of the European Union but it is also separated...
Caravan 15: Special Issue on ICARDA's work in Africa
ICARDA serves its African stakeholders through two of its seven regional programs. These are the Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRSRP), which covers Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan; and the North Africa Regional Program (NARP)...
First record of Barley yellow dwarf virus and Cereal yellow dwarf virus in Tunisia
A survey for Barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) and Cereal yellow dwarf viruses (CYDV) was carried out during April 2001 covering seven major cereal-growing regions (Beja, Bizerte, Cap-Bon, Jendouba, Le Kef, Siliana and Zaghouan) of Tunisia. A total of...
First record of Beet western yellows virus, Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus and Faba bean necrotic yellows virus affecting faba bean (Vicia faba) crops in Iraq
A survey to identify virus diseases affecting faba bean (Vicia faba) in Iraq was conducted during April 2000. Around 4400 samples were collected from 36 faba bean fields distributed in five governorates (ten in Baghdad, nine in Al‐Anbar, three...
يعد هذا التقرير السنوي الذي تنشره إيكاردا لعام 2000 الأول من نوعه الذي يعكس البنية الجديدة لكتابة التقارير والتي تعتمد على المواضيع الخمسة للمجموعة الاستشارية للبحوث الزراعية الدولية CGIAR ألا وهي: تعزيز الأصول الوراثية، إدارة نظم الإنتاج، إدارة...
Registration of Six Lentil Germplasm Lines with Resistance to Vascular Wilt
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm lines, ILL 422, ILL 813, ILL 1220, ILL 1462, lLL 2313, and ILL 2684 (Reg. no. GP‐7 to GP‐12, PI 612876 to PI 612881), were released by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas...
Japan has made an important contribution to restoring and rehabilitating degraded land in CWANA through its support to ICARDA’s work on the improvement of native pastures and rangelands, and the nutrition and management of small ruminants. Not...
High mutation rate and mutational bias at (TAA)n microsatellite loci in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Microsatellites, very short tandemly repeated DNA sequences, are being extensively used in evolutionary genetics and molecular breeding of crop plants, because of their high degree of allelic variability, which is presumably caused by a high...
Caravan 14: Information and Communication Technology
This issue of Caravan focuses on the use that ICARDA is making of information technologies to improve the lives of people in the world's dry areas. ICARDA uses different information technology tools such as expert systems, geographic information...