Assessing the proximate compositions of indigenous forage species in Yemen’s pastoral rangelands
Plant diversity in southern Yemen is crucial for maintaining rangeland ecosystem functions. This diversity contributes to the resilience of local pastoral communities, by providing essential forage and resources. However, high stocking density...
Farmers' Participation in Messenger-Based Social Groups And Its Effects on Performance in Irrigated Areas of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
he penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in farming communities is increasing the use of smartphone-based instant messaging apps. Despite this, the reasons behind participation and the impact on farm productivity in...
In life, a well-balanced diet is of utmost importance. A well-balanced diet can provide essential nutrients for good human health, including a wide array of micronutrients. Most of the global population relies on staple crops like rice, wheat...
Response of maiden ewes to the ‘ram effect’ is a robust management practice and a candidate selection trait for enhanced reproductive performance in drylands
Management of reproduction that relies on naturally based solutions is extremely important to counter the negative perception around hormone-based interventions. In Mediterranean latitudes and wider regions of non-tropical drylands, sheep do not...
Grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is a climate-smart legume crop with adaptation to fragile agroecosystems. The genus Lathyrus is recognized for its vast genetic diversity, encompassing over 160 species, many of which are cultivated for various...
Manure contribution to rural livelihoods at farm and landscape levels: a systemic approach in semi-arid Central Tunisia
Manure valorization through on-farm use or market transactions is an ancient and widespread practice in the mixed crop-livestock systems of the semi-arid areas of North Africa. While research has long focused on the manure contribution to soil...
Assessing the Opportunities and Risks of DUS and VCU Variety Testing for Sustainable Production through SWOT Analysis Results
Within the European Union (EU), new plant varieties to be included in the Common catalog of a member state have to be registered on the national list after plant variety testing processes to establish whether the candidate variety is...
A system readiness approach to support the packaging and scaling of innovation bundles for farming systems transformation
CONTEXT: A newly established ‘systemic approach to technology packaging’ for improved scaling has emerged in the literature. This approach suggests that core transformative innovations can be scaled more effectively through scaling readiness...
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important cool season food legume, rich in protein and essential micronutrients. It plays a critical role in improving land structure and contributing to wild pollinator maintenance. It was domesticated in the...
Potential of volatile organic compounds in the management of insect pests and diseases of food legumes: a comprehensive review
Cool season legumes (Faba bean, chickpea, lentil, pea, and grass pea) are important protein harvests for food and nutrition security in many countries. They play key roles in sustainable cereal production through their ecological benefits...