Caravan 23: Special Issue on International Year of Deserts and Desertification
This issue of Caravan looks at different aspects of desertification; and how ICARDA and its partners are working together to help farming communities find effective, sustainable solutions. These collaborative efforts have generated significant...
Returns to Investment on Barley Improvement Research in Dry Areas
Barley, one of the earliest crops in human history, is grown in over 100 countries. In the West, it is used mainly for animal feed or as malt for producing beverages. In developing countries it is a staple food for millions of people. Developing...
Sodicity-induced land degradation and its sustainable management: problems and prospects
Currently at least 20 per cent of the world's irrigated land is salt-affected. However, projections of global population growth, and of an increased demand for food and fibre, suggest that larger areas of salt-affected soil will need to be...
The year 2005 was an important milestone in the efforts of ICARDA and its partners in meeting the global challenges of agriculture in dry areas through the application of science. In an assessment of all 15 CGIAR Centers (based on science...
Tempo-spatial covariance structure of lentil yield and water use efficiency from supplemental irrigation trials
n agricultural research conducted in dry areas, crop-yield water use efficiency (WUE) is a measure used to evaluate the impacts of various agronomic factors on crop productivity. Agronomic management factors include supplemental irrigation (SI)...
Transcriptional analysis between two wheat near-isogenic lines contrasting in aluminum tolerance under aluminum stress
To understand the mechanisms of aluminum (Al) tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) libraries were constructed from Al-stressed roots of two near-isogenic lines (NILs). A total of 1,065 putative...
Effect of supplemental irrigation on leaf stomatal conductance of field-grown wheat in northern Syria
Stomatal conductance (gs) of field-grown wheat during the transition period from rainy to dry seasons in northern Syria was examined in relation to the vapor pressure deficit of the air (VPDa), solar radiation (RS), and the soil available water...
Classification and salt tolerance analysis of barley varieties
Six varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare), five of which were provided by ICARDA, were tested in a green house experiment for their salt tolerance. Afterwards the ICARDA variety Melusine, selected from this experiment for its combination of high...
Identification of viral diseases affecting barley and bread wheat crops in Yemen
A survey to identify virus diseases affecting barley and bread wheat crops at different locations in Yemen was conducted during 15 - 24 September 2004. The survey covered 13 barley and 23 bread wheat fields, which were randomly selected. The...
Resistance gene analogs associated with Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive diseases in wheat. Identification of resistance gene analogs (RGAs) may provide candidate genes for cloning of FHB resistance genes and molecular markers for marker-assisted improvement...