Promoting the adoption of natural resource management technology in arid and semi-arid areas: Modelling the impact of spineless cactus in alley cropping in Central Tunisia
The arid and semi-arid areas of North Africa arc becoming deserts. Most of the research and development projects in these areas aim at developing alternative technologies to reduce land degradation and favour sustainable economic activities. The...
Approaches to rationalising selection of test environments for on-farm lentil variety trials in Mediterranean rainfed cropping systems
This study focused on various approaches to rationalising the selection of test environments using on-farmtrial data from 5 lentil (Lens culiniaris Medikus subsp. culinaris) genotypes. It was conducted over 3 years in 30 environments across 16...
Genetic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis in Tunisia as revealed by pathotype, AFLP, and microsatellite analyses
Genetic variability among 122 Rhynchosporium secalis isolates collected from barley in three regions of Tunisia was investigated using host differentials, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and microsatellite markers. The isolates...
Amelioration and nutrient management strategies for sodic and alkali soils
Sodic and alkali soils are characterized by the occurrence of excess sodium (Na+) to levels that can adversely affect soil structure and disturb the availability of nutrients for plant growth. Structural problems in these soils are created by...
Agricultural use of marginal - quality water - opportunities and challenges
This section examines the main types of marginal-quality water: wastewater from urban and peri-urban areas and saline or sodic agricultural drainage water and groundwater
Map Quality and Zone Delineation as affected by Width of Parallel Swaths of Mobile Agricultural Sensors
There is an emerging interest in on-the-go mapping of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) as a surrogate spatial map for soil properties. The quality (or precision and accuracy) of ECa maps as affected by the swath width of the...
Differential Selection on Rhynchosporium secalis During Parasitic and Saprophytic Phases in the Barley Scald Disease Cycle
Competition among eight Rhynchosporium secalis isolates was assessed during parasitic and saprophytic phases of the disease cycle in field experiments conducted at two locations and over two growing seasons. The eight isolates were inoculated...
Ties that Bind: ICARDA in the Arabian Peninsula. Twenty years of collaboration in scientific agricultural research for development between the National Agricultural Research Systems of Arabian Peninsula countries and ICARDA
The Arabian Peninsula Regional Program (APRP) of ICARDA serves the seven countries of the Arabian Peninsula, namely, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and the Republic of Yemen. The program...
Regional aspects – Desertification in the Middle East and North Africa
Desertification is nowhere more serious han in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), stretching from Pakistan in the east to Morocco in the west, and from Ethiopia and Sudan in the south to Turkey in the north. Yet, many MENA countries have...
Ties that Bind: GAP and ICARDA. Collaboration in Agricultural Research and Development
GAP (Guneydogu Anadolu Projesi or Southeastern Anatolia Project) is a multisector integrated regional development project in Turkey, and one of the largest integrated rural development projects in the world. It is a multibillion dollar project...