Caravan 24: Review of agriculture in the dry areas
Articles in this issue describe how value-addition options were identified for herbal and medicinal plants in a remote valley in Morocco; how cactus species – that combine hardiness with high market value – are being promoted in North Africa...
Assessment of winter wheat production under early sowing with supplemental irrigation in a cold highland environment using CropSyst simulation model
The most important question in supplemental irrigation management is when and how much water to apply. It is a laborious and expensive task to develop supplemental irrigation schedules solely by conventional field experimentation. A cropping...
Evapotranspiration: progress in measurement and modeling in agriculture
This article provides a focused survey of progress in crop evapotranspiration (ET) measurement and modeling, with particular emphasis on the aspects of interest to the irrigation profession. The significant advances in understanding and...
The Jabali mountain goats inhabit the extremly unfriendly and harsh environment of western Syria, where they are kept by different ethnic groups, namely, the Alawits, Druses and Bedouins. The Jabali goat is a black goat, with dropping cars and a...
Mapping adaptation of barley to droughted environments
Identifying barley genomic regions influencing the response of yield and its components to water deficits will aid in our understanding of the genetics of drought tolerance and the development of more drought tolerant cultivars. We assembled a...
Survey of faba bean and field pea viruses in Yunnan Province, China
In a survey of faba bean ( Vicia faba) and field pea ( Pisum sativum)fields in China's Yunnan Province during March 2004, more than 5000 plant samples were collected from 35 locations and tested by tissue-blot immunoassay for the presence of up...
Changement réel et changement induit Décalage ou perpétuelle recherche pour les zones arides d'Afrique du Nord
L'histoire des politiques de développement économique et social au Maghreb a fortement marqué l'évolution des systèmes agropastoraux des zones arides. En l'espace de 50 ans, on est passé de systèmes d'élevage pastoraux à des systèmes mixtes...