In 2007, ICARDA celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. The Center and its partners have worked together for three decades to improve the food security and livelihoods of the poor in dry and marginal areas. During this time, we have seen...
Survey of chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) disease of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and assessment of factors influencing disease epidemics in northern Ethiopia
Field surveys were conducted in northern Ethiopia during the 2004 and 2005 cropping seasons to determine the distribution of chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) and the association of disease parameters (incidence and severity) with crop management...
Genetic structure, diversity, and allelic richness in composite collection and reference set in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Background: Plant genetic resources (PGR) are the basic raw materials for future genetic progress and an insurance against unforeseen threats to agricultural production. An extensive characterization of PGR provides an opportunity to dissect...
Barley and Vetch yields from dryland rotations with varying tillage and residue management under Mediterranean conditions
With increasing land-use pressure in semi-arid, dryland Middle Eastern agriculture, fallow-based cereal production has given way to cropping intensification, including legume-based rotations along with conservation tillage and on-farm straw...
Linking participatory plant breeding to the seed supply system
There is a strong link between formal plant breeding and seed supply. In developed countries, it was the emergence of systematic plant breeding that generated new named varieties and stimulated organized seed multiplication and marketing by...
Productivity enhancement of salt-affected environments through crop diversification
Recent trends and future demographic projections suggest that the need to produce more food and fibre will necessitate effective utilization of salt-affected land and saline water resources. Currently at least 20 per cent of the world's...
Quantitative trait loci associated with adaptation to Mediterranean dryland conditions in barley
The objective of the present study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing agronomic performance across rain fed Mediterranean environments in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the barley cultivars ER/Apm...
Crop coefficient for drip-irrigated cotton in a Mediterranean environment
A 3-year study was conducted in the eastern Mediterranean region of northern Syria to develop crop coefficient, Kc, for drip-irrigated short-season cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Two sets of Kc curves were determined, the generalized Kc...
Evaluation of the CropSyst model for simulating the potential yield of cotton
Cotton produced in Uzbekistan has a low water and fertilizer use efficiency and yield is below its potential. To introduce improved production methods, knowledge is required on how the agro-ecosystem would respond to these alternatives. For this...
Heterosis and mixing effects in barley under drought stress
Yield stability is one of the main breeding objectives in breeding for stress environments, such as the semi-arid areas of Syria. The objectives of this study were to measure the effects of heterogeneity and heterozygosity on yield and yield...