Soil and Plant Analysis Council: A Model for Scientific Innovation, Education, and Development
Soil and plant analysis has been a major contribution to the development of the agricultural sciences and indirectly to sustaining mankind. The advances that have occurred in the various disciplines in soil science, agronomy, and crop science...
Durum Wheat and barley productivity in saline-drought environments
In two successive years, durum wheat (Triticum turgidum Desf.) and barley (Hodeum vulgare L.) were tested in a factorial salinity–drought experiment, combining three levels of salinity and two levels of drought. The two drought treatments were...
Impact of Crop Improvement and Management Winter-Sown Chickpea in Syria
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an annual grain legume or 'pulse' crop used extensively for human consumption. Dried chickpea seed is commonly used in soup in India, while in the Middle East and elsewhere it is more frequently cooked and...
The year of 2008 marked the beginning of a new phase at ICARDA: the full implementation of the Center's Strategic Plan 2007-2016, and a renewed commitment to addressing the global challenges of food security, poverty alleviation and climate...
Biplot Analysis of Rainfed Barley Multienvironment Trials in Iran
The main objective of this work was the analysis of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) multienvironment trials (MET) first to identify superior genotypes for the barley crop area in Iran, and second to investigate if different megaenvironments exist...
Analysis of Genotype x Environment Interactions for Grain Yield in Durum Wheat
Genotype x environment (GE) interactions are important sources of variation in crop breeding programs. The objectives of this study were (i) to analyze GE interactions on grain yield of one bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 19 durum wheat...
Salt-induced land and water degradation in the Aral Sea basin: A challenge to sustainable agriculture in Central Asia
Expansion of irrigated agriculture in the Aral Sea Basin in the second half of the twentieth century led to the conversion of vast tracks of virgin land into productive agricultural systems resulting in significant increases in employment...
Development of Magnesium-Dominant Soils Under Irrigated Agriculture in Southern Kazakhstan
Irrational irrigation practices in the Arys Turkestan Canal command area in the southern part of Kazakhstan have led to the formation of soils with poor physical and chemical properties. To study whether irrigation and leaching practices and/or...
During the past forty years, the Syrian rangelands have been the focal point of government interventions. These had four major components: assertion of state ownership over rangelands, settlement and transformation of herders into farmers...
Yield and water-production functions of two durum wheat cultivars grown under different irrigation and nitrogen regimes
Wheat (TriticumdurumL.) yields inthe semi-aridregions are limitedby inadequatewater supply late in the cropping season. Planning suitable irrigation strategy and nitrogen fertilizationwith the appropriate crop phenology will produce optimumgrain...