A Survey Of Lucerne In Northern New South Wales For Viruses Of Importance To The Winter Legume Industry
The potential of lucerne (Medicago sativa) as a summer reservoir of viruses of importance to the Australian winter pulse industry was explored by surveying 25 lucerne fields in northern NSW. Plant samples were tested for the presence of seven...
Adoption and impact of supplemental irrigation in wheat-based systems in Syria
Agriculture in Syria depends on a wide base of varied natural resources extending over five agro-ecological zones differing in total precipitation, soil structure, and water resources such as rivers, springs, dams, and groundwater which supplies...
Current Status of Agro-biodiversity in Lebanon and Future Challenges
Though a small country, Lebanon hosts various ecosystems that allow for a large number of plants ranging from cold requiring crops to subtropical ones to live and flourish. More than 80 plant species for food and agriculture are currently...
The potential contribution of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) germplasm to drought tolerance of cultivated barley (H. vulgare ssp. vulgare)
Improving drought tolerance has always been an important objective in many crop improvement programs and is becoming more important as one way of adapting crops to climate changes. However, due to its complexity, the genetic mechanisms...
Management practices for improving water productivity in the Dasht-e-Azadegan
Wheat is the main cultivated crop in the LKRB (mainly the Dashte- Azadegan plain). Its average yield is 1500 kg/ha (Agricultural Statistics 2004). Irrigation management practices are traditional and the region suffers from poor water management...
Present status of salt-affected and waterlogged soils in Dasht-e-Azadegan and management strategies for their sustainable utilization
Salt-prone land and water resources are major impediments to the optimal utilization of crop production systems in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world, including Iran (Alizadeh et al. 2004; Moghaddam and Koocheki 2004). The salinization...
In this issue: Feeding the land: how legumes can keep the soil Healthy The plateau provinces: Sivas and Kayseri have lower yields than they should. Why? And can their small farmers survive? Winter sowing: the answer to chickpea yield. But it...
Effects of strategic helminthosis control on age at first lambing and lambing interval of communally grazed Menz ewes in Ethiopia
A three-year longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate effects of strategic anthelmintic treatment regimes on age at first lambing (AFL), weight at first lambing (WFL) and lambing interval (LI) of 356 communally grazed ewes and 675 lambs...
First Report Of Wheat Dwarf Virus And Its Vector (Psammotettix Provincialis) Affecting Wheat And Barley Crops In Syria
A field survey covering the major cereal-production areas of Syria was conducted during May 2009. A total of 938 wheat and 971 barley samples with typical symptoms of viral infection were collected from 45 wheat and 58 barley fields. All...
Drought risk assessment in pasture arid Morocco through remote sensing
During the last three decades, Morocco has experienced several stern and extended episodes of drought that severely affected pasture production. To cope with this phenomenon, the policy makers have put emphasis on a reactive short term...