Much has been written about Norman Borlaug the agricultural scientist and humanitarian whose achievements are recognized with many accolades; to add to those writings is a difficult task. This brief paper is an attempt to provide a personal...
Evaluation of durum wheat experimental lines under different climate and water regime conditions of Iran
In the Mediterranean region, grain yield of durum wheat is frequently limited by both high temperature and drought during grain filling. Atotal of six sets of paired trials, including 18 durum experimental lines and two durum and bread wheat...
The potential of small-scale rainfed agriculture to strengthen food security in Arab countries
In most Arab countries, domestic agricultural production is insufficient. The gap between production and demand is likely to increase due to climate change and other factors. This review paper examines the challenges and possible solutions to...
Seed And Forage Yield, And Forage Quality Determinants Of Nine Legume Shrubs In A Non-Tropical Dryland Environment
The objective was to identify legume shrub species for development of agroforestry technologies based on seed and forage (leaves and twigs 10 mm diameter)yield, and determinants of forage quality. Ten individual plants of Bituminaria bituminosa...
International surveillance of wheat rust pathogens: progress and challenges
Surveillance of wheat rust pathogens, including assessments of rust incidence and virulence characterization via either trap plots or race (pathotype) surveys, has provided information fundamental in formulating and adopting appropriate national...
Sources of resistance in bread wheat to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) in Syria identified using the Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS)
P>Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov), is an important pest of wheat and barley in North America, Africa and the Middle East. Host plant resistance is the most economical and practical means of controlling this insect. Field and...
Integrated participatory modelling of actual farms to support policy making on sustainable intensification
On the tropical island of La Reunion, population growth, increasing demand in food products, agricultural densification, and the resulting pressure on the environment are representative of what is expected to happen in the majority of the world...
Microcatchment water harvesting systems for fruit trees and shrubs
This report will focus on results of 2004/05 and 2005/06 seasons in which the conventional handmade microcatchment was compared to the mechanized one through research done at the Jordan University of Science and Technology site.
Mechanization of transplanting shrubs seedlings and contours laser guiding for Vallerani system
In relevance to the project objectives and expected outputs, the reported research aimed at introducing a mechanized transplanting technique to the WH system to reduce costs and time of establishment of fodder shrubs, thus improving overall...
Measurement and sources of technical eficiency of on-farm water use in the Sudan’s Gezira scheme
The literature identifies two common approaches for estimating technical efficiency. One approach is based on non-parametric, non-stochastic, linear programming. This suffers from the criticism that it does not take into account the possible...