Contour Laser Guiding for the Mechanized “Vallerani” Micro-catchment Water Harvesting Systems
Mechanized construction of micro-catchments for water harvesting (WH) was successfully tested in the Badia (dry rangeland) areas in Syria and Jordan, using the “Vallerani” plow, model Delfino (50 MI/CM), manufactured by Nardi, Italy. The plow...
Performance and Adaptation of the Vallerani Mechanized Water Harvesting System in Degraded Badia Rangelands
Rainwater harvesting in micro-catchments such as contour ridges and semicircular bunds is an option for utilizing the limited rainfall, improving productivity and combating land degradation in dry rangeland areas (Badia). However, implementation...
Community-based alternative breeding plans for indigenous sheep breeds in four agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia
Based on the results of participatory approaches to define traits in the breeding objectives, four scenarios of ram selection and ram use were compared via deterministic modelling of breeding plans for community-based sheep breeding programmes...
أفضل الممارسات في إدارة أغنام العواس 10 – تقييم حالة الجسم
هذا الكتيب هو جزء في سلسلة من عشرة أجزاء تتناول المبادئ/الخطوط التوجيهية الفنية التي تصف ”أفضل الممارسات لإدارة أغنام العواس“ وهي سلالة الأغنام السائدة في عديد من بلدان الشرق الأوسط. وتستهدف السلسلة مربي الأغنام ومصنّعي الحليب، وتؤمن لهم َ نصائح...
Development, characterization and linkage analysis of microsatellite loci for the Ascochyta blight pathogen of faba bean, Didymella fabae
Eighteen microsatellite markers were developed for Didymella fabae, seventeen of which were highly polymorphic among a sample of D. fabae isolates from Syria. Genetic linkage analysis assigned the markers to eight linkage groups. These markers...
Potential antagonistic fungal species from Ethiopia for biological control of chocolate spot disease of Faba Bean
Chocolate spot disease (Botrytis fabae Sard) is one of most yield limiting constraints of faba bean (Vicia faba). There is promise in using biological control agents to control chocolate spot diseas`es, nevertheless, this strategy has not been...
Viruses Infecting Chickpea And Lentil Crops In Azerbaijan
A survey was conducted to identify viruses affecting chickpea and lentil crops in the major production areas of Azerbaijan during June 2007 and May 2008. The survey covered randomly selected 16 farmers' fields (13 chickpea and three lentil) and...
New microsatellite markers for assessment of genetic diversity in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
New primer pairs of genomic DNA microsatellite markers were tested to assess the genetic diversity of eleven date palm genotypes. The results indicated that out of thirty, only seven primers (23.3%) failed to amplify the expected PCR fragments...
The CGIAR Eco-Regional Collaborative Research Program for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus has been actively present in the Region since 1998. It currently involves eight CGIAR Centers - CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA...
Modification of milk fatty acid composition by feeding forages and agro-industrial byproducts from dry areas to Awassi sheep
The study tested the hypothesis that certain under-used forages and agro-industrial byproducts available in dry areas may positively influence fatty acid (FA) composition and antioxidative properties of milk by their contents of residual oil or...