Estimation of crossbreeding and genetic parameters for reproductive traits of Boer x Central Highland goats in Ethiopia
Additive genetic and non-additive parameters for reproductive traits of Boer x Central Highland goats were estimated. Pedigree and performance records comprised of Central Highland and their crosses with Boer goats were collected from 2009 to...
CRISPR genome editing to address food security and climate changes
Climate change causes an increase in the intensity of adverse abiotic and biotic stresses that could severely threaten agriculture production and food security including production, access, and prices. The world's population is anticipated to...
On-farm water energy food carbon-footprint nexus index for quantitative assessment of integrated resources management for wheat farming in Egypt
To improve the farming efficiency, Egypt has been struggling to narrow the water, energy, and yield gaps owing to exacerbated water shortage. For quantitative diagnosis of farming performance, the paper presented an on-farm water, energy, food...
Among 30 viruses have been reported on barley, but only few of them are widespread and cause significant economic damage. Among the most important viruses reported to infect barley are BUDVs (such as BYDV-PAV, BYDV-MAV), cereal yellow dwarf...
Genome-wide association studies for phenological and agronomic traits in mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) is one of the important warm-season food legumes, contributing substantially to nutritional security and environmental sustainability. The genetic complexity of yield-associated agronomic traits in mungbean is...
Conservation agriculture has no significant impact on sheep digestive parasitism
Conservation agriculture (CONS A) is a sustainable agriculture system based on crop rotation with no tillage. It has various environmental advantages compared to conventional agriculture (CONV A): decreased water evaporation, erosion, and CO2...
AlignStatPlot: An R package and online tool for robust sequence alignment statistics and innovative visualization of big data
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is essential for understanding genetic variations controlling phenotypic traits in all living organisms. The post-analysis of MSA results is a difficult step for researchers who do not have programming skills...
Total land suitability analysis for rice and potato crops through FuzzyAHP technique in West Bengal, India
A total land suitability analysis was carried out through FuzzyAHP technique for rice and potato crops in West Bengal, India. Around 21 most relevant crop suitability parameters were selected and classified under five primary criteria, such as...
Farming practices and breeding objectives identification of farmer in north shoa and south wello zones of Amhara region
The study aims at assessing the production systems and identifying the traits preferred by farmers in the study areas to establish community-based breeding and sustainable utilization programs. The study was conducted in the four purposively...
Genomic regions of durum wheat involved in water productivity
Durum wheat is a staple food of the Mediterranean Basin, mostly cultivated under rainfed conditions. As such, the crop is often exposed to moisture stress. Therefore, the identification of genetic factors controlling the capacity of genotypes to...