Phenotypic diversity and relationships among a worldwide durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) germplasm collection under rainfed conditions of Iran
Information on the variation available for different plant attributes has enabled germplasm collections to be effectively utilised in crop improvement. This study evaluated 380 durum wheat landraces, representing a worldwide durum wheat...
The FIGS (Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy) Approach Identifies Traits Related to Drought Adaptation in Vicia faba Genetic Resources
Efficient methods to explore plant agro-biodiversity for climate change adaptive traits are urgently required. The focused identification of germplasm strategy (FIGS) is one such approach. FIGS works on the premise that germplasm is likely to...
Pathogenic and genetic diversity of Didymella rabiei affecting chickpea in Syria
Simple sequence repeats and mating type markers were used to estimate the genetic diversity of 133 Didymella rabiei isolates collected from nine provinces of Syria. Moreover, phenotyping was done on 56 isolates randomly selected from the...
Development of COS-SNP and HRM markers for highthroughput and reliable haplotype-based detection of Lr14a in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)
Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks. & Henn.) is a major disease affecting durum wheat production. The Lr14a-resistant gene present in the durum wheat cv. Creso and its derivative cv. Colosseo is one of the best characterized leaf-rust...
Distribution and factors affecting lentil wilt epidemics in Syria
جرت عمليات المسح الحقلي لمرض ذبول العدس في معظم مناطق انتشار و زراعة العدس في سورية خلال موسمي 2008 / 2009 و 2009 / 2010، بهدف تحديد أماكن انتشار المرض و العوامل المؤثرة في تطوره. و قد بينت النتائج انتشار المرض في جميع المحافظات التي تزرع العدس...
Cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) makes a valuable contribution to the food security and nutrition of people throughout the world wherever water is scarce. The plant is highly versatile and, in addition to feeding people, it is widely used for...
Genetic diversity of microsatellite alleles located at quantitative resistance loci for Ascochyta blight resistance in a global collection of chickpea germplasm
A global collection of 43 chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes, resistant and susceptible to Ascochyta blight caused by Ascochyta rabiei was evaluated for the disease under controlled conditions. In this study three known pathotypes (P-I, P...
Efficiency of marker-assisted selection in detection of ascochyta blight resistance in Tunisian chickpea breeding lines
Ascochyta blight (AB) resistance reactions were studied in 23 chickpea cultivars, mainly advanced lines and Tunisian varieties from the Tunisian chickpea breeding program, growing both at two locations and under controlled conditions. Two co...
Evaluation of deficit irrigation for efficient sheep production from permanent sown pastures in a dry continental climate
Deficit irrigation can be a useful management tool to increase water productivity of forage and sheep production from pastures in water deprived areas of the world. A three year study compared sheep production from permanent sown pastures on...
Scale Effects of STATSGO and SSURGO on Flow and Water Quality Predictions
Soil information is one of the crucial inputs needed to assess the impacts of existing and alternative agricultural man- agement practices on water quality. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of spatial scale at which soil da-...