This Working Paper presents an overview of the collaborative research and capacity building done by international research centers and their partners in Tajikistan since 2006 for increasing the productivity of agricultural systems; natural...
Enhancing the Dairy Processing Skills and Market Access of Rural Women in Jordan
This report presents the findings of the socioeconomic, dairy processing and marketing conditions of women in four communities in the Karak Governorate of Jordan. It is part of a project targeting rural women that develops and pilot tests...
Sustainable Agricultural Development of Highlands in Central, West Asia and North Africa
Synthesis of Regional Expert Meeting on Highland Agriculture November 2011, Karaj, Iran. The objective of this report is to review the current status, constraints and potential of highlands in Iran, Morocco and Turkey and to define elements of a...
The purpose of this working paper is to support the Government of Egypt’s Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Development towards 2030 (SADS‐2030). This strategy paper was published in 2009 and was concerned with the sustainable use of Egypt’s...
To combat Ethiopia’s 2010 wheat stripe rust epidemic, a fast-track crop research and rust-resistant seed distribution program not only delivered future protection to the farmers, but also brought higher yields and incomes.
Stripe (yellow) rust disease threatens wheat crops every growing season. In recent years, outbreaks have become more frequent and severe with climate change, decimating harvests and leaving smallholder farmers devastated.
Capturing and disseminating Lessons Learned from Integrated Natural Resource Management Projects in the Middle East and North Africa
This report documents a process to encourage learning and sharing practical knowledge between Global Environmental Fund (GEF) recipients of national Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) development grants to address land degradation...
Development of Feed Legumes as Suitable Crops for the Drylands of Iran
This Working Paper reviews the current knowledge on feed legumes development in drylands of Iran and presents the results of studies done by the Iran’s Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI) in different agro-climatic zones of the...
Ties that Bind: China and ICARDA. A productive partnership spanning three decades
ICARDA’s collaboration with China has grown steadily since the early 1980s and now incorporates a wide range of activities – from capacity development to crop improvement and the exchange of germplasm. Focused on strategic crops, including wheat...
Breeding progress for yield in winter wheat genotypes targeted to irrigated environments of the CWANA region
The international winter wheat improvement program (IWWIP), an alliance between Turkey–CIMMYT–ICARDA, has distributed improved germplasm to different National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) partners through international nurseries and...
Income, Education and Age effects on Meat and Fish Demand in Tunisia
Socio-economic and demographic variables can have a deep impact of the demand for food. The objective of this work is to analyze how these variables can affect the demand for meat and fish for Tunisian consumers. This study covers two important...