في الاردن هناك طلب مرتفع على المنتجات المصنعة من حليب الأغنام. ويشكل حليب الأغنام حوالي 24% من كامل إنتاج الحليب في المملكة. يشكل التصنيع على نطاق صغير جزءاً من سبل معيشة الأسر التي تعتمد على الأغنام والماعز. يعتبر الجميد المصنع من حليب الأغنام...
Performances, Policies, Challenges and Opportunities of the Tunisian Agriculture Sector from Natural Resources Management Perspective a SWOT Analysis
A comprehensive assessment of the Tunisian agricultural potential, production, natural resources management and policies has been presented using SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. Concerning the strengths of the...
Economic analysis and environmental impacts of water harvesting techniques in the low rainfall areas of Jordan
Water harvesting has become an important priority for supporting the increasing population in the low rainfall areas of Jordan. The specific objectives of this paper are to assess the economic and environmental impacts of different water...
Prebiotic Oligosaccharides, Resistant Starch and Sugar Alcohols in Lentils: Implications for Obesity
Imbalanced energy intake, coupled with low concentrations of bioactive compounds in foods, has fueled the rising epidemic of obesity and related non-communicable diseases. Currently, over 35% of American adults are obese, including nearly 17% of...
Cactus as a Tool to Mitigate Drought and to Combat Desertification
Land degradation occurs in all continents and affects the livelihoods of millions of people, including a large proportion of the poor in the drylands. Opuntiaficus-indica (L.) Mill. is a xerophytic cactus species, widely cultivated in arid and...
A 50-m Forest Cover Map in Southeast Asia from ALOS/ PALSAR and Its Application on Forest Fragmentation Assessment
Southeast Asia experienced higher rates of deforestation than other continents in the 1990s and still was a hotspot of forest change in the 2000s. Biodiversity conservation planning and accurate estimation of forest carbon fluxes and pools need...
The Tribe - Platform of Participatory Local Development and Management of Communal Rangeland Resources
Sustainable development of pastoral and agro-pastoral systems, dominated by collective and/or tribal ownership of rangelands, is a key issue for the West Asia and North Africa region. These two systems are located in arid and semi-arid areas and...
Improved method for detecting Ustilago nuda in barley seed
Loose smut of barley (Ustilago nuda) is a seed-borne fungal disease in which the fungus is located inside the embryo. The transmission of this disease is highly likely in the field through seed exchange because the seed is symptomless. Therefore...
Diversification of indigenous gene- pool by using exotic 5 germplasm in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris)
Genetic diversity was studied among 21 accessions of lentil using SSR markers and morphological traits in order to assess the diversification of Indian gene-pool of lentil through introgression of exotic genes and introduction of germplasm...
The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) and ICARDA
The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) share a common mission of alleviating poverty and promoting economic and social development in developing...