Genetic variability, characters association and principal component study for morphological and fodder quality of Opuntia and Nopalea sp. in India
A morphological and quality analysis of 64 global core collections of cactus genotypes was conducted using 30 growth and fodder quality traits. Results indicated a high coefficient of variation for primary cladode perimeter (91.0%), root fresh...
IBD sharing patterns as intra-breed admixture indicators in small ruminants
In this study, we investigated how IBD patterns shared between individuals of the same breed could be informative of its admixture level, with the underlying assumption that the most admixed breeds, i.e. the least genetically isolated, should...
A feminist political ecology of agricultural innovations in smallholder farming systems: Experiences from wheat production in Morocco and Uzbekistan
A clear consensus has emerged that innovations are important for adapting to drought and overcoming other biophysical limitations in smallholder farming systems; however, women are notably marginalized from agricultural innovations. We examine...
Genotype and agronomic management interaction to enhance wheat yield and water use efficiency in the Mediterranean rainfed environment of Morocco: I. Field data analysis
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum), considered better drought tolerant, is the most cultivated wheat in Morocco and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The region, including Morocco, predominantly has rainfed production...
Genotype × environment × agronomic management interaction to enhance wheat yield in the Mediterranean rainfed environments of Morocco: II. Process based modeling
urum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) is the oldest and most cultivated cereal crop in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Morocco is one of the largest producer of durum wheat in MENA...
MASSAI: Multi-agent system for simulating sustainable agricultural intensification of smallholder farms in Africa
The research and development needed to achieve sustainability of African smallholder agricultural and natural systems has led to a wide array of theoretical frameworks for conceptualising socioecological processes and functions. However, there...
First morphometric and molecular characterization of Fasciola spp. in Northwest Tunisia
The aim of this study was to characterize the Tunisian Fasciola spp. flukes by morphometric and molecular analyses. Flukes were collected from livers of sheep slaughtered in Sejnane slaughterhouses (Bizerte gouvernorate, Northwest Tunisia)...
Epidemiological situation of bovine tropical theileriosis in an arid region in central Tunisia with a phylogenetic analysis of Theileria annulata
Background Tropical theileriosis, Theileria annulata infection, is the most prevalent summer disease in Tunisia. It is transmitted by Hyalomma scupense, a two-host tick known to be endophilic. Objectives The present study aimed to estimate the...
Modeling-based performance assessment of an indigenous macro-catchment water harvesting technique (Marab) in the Jordanian Badia
Water resources management is fundamental for rural communities in drylands, where water harvesting technologies (WHT) can be used for intercepting surface runoff and storing water in soils. The so-called “Marab” WHT was initially developed by...
Single- and multi-trait genomic prediction and genome-wide association analysis of grain yield and micronutrient-related traits in ICARDA wheat under drought environment
Globally, over 2 billion people suffer from malnutrition due to inadequate intake of micronutrients. Genomic-assisted breeding is identified as a valuable method to facilitate developing new improved plant varieties targeting grain yield and...