Non-genetic sources of variation of milk production and reproduction and interactions between both classes of traits in Sicilo-Sarde dairy sheep
This work aimed to study the sources of variation in productive and reproductive traits of the dairy Sicilo-Sarde ewes and to further investigate the interaction between both classes of traits. After edits, a database containing 5935 lactation...
Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in Food Crop Production: A Case Study of Farms in West Bank, Palestine
In this study, farm level technical efficiency (TE) and its determinants were investigated. A stochastic Cobb-Douglas (CD) production frontier was used to provide estimates of input-oriented TE for a sample of 100 rain fed farms in two...
Characterization of mohair and cashmere in regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan
tTo generate information on animal fiber quality traits in Central Asia, as a prelude to geneticimprovement, fiber samples of 495 cashmere goats from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and448 mohair goats from these two countries and Kyrgyzstan were...
Assessment of somaclonal variation and stability in in vitro regenerated grass pea plants using SDS-PAGE
Tissue culture may be one of the possible sources of variation for crop improvement. To assess variation and stability in regenerated plants, shoots were regenerated from the callus derived from axillary explants of 11 grasspea genotypes, and...
Developing scenarios to assess sunflower and soybean yield under different sowing dates and water regimes in the Bekaa valley (Lebanon): Simulations with Aquacrop
In a semi-arid environment, the main challenge for crop production is water limitation in space and in time. Considered as appropriate tools, models are used to evaluate the effects of water deficit on crop productivity for better irrigation...
Characterisation and mapping of gene Lr73 conferring seedling resistance to Puccinia triticina in common wheat
A gene conferring seedling resistance to Puccinia triticina was mapped to chromosome 2BS in the wheat Morocco. The gene was shown to be distinct and was therefore designated Lr73. Abstract The wheat genotype Morocco, widely susceptible to...
The paper describes value chain actors and institutional arrangements along value chains, and identifies major determinants of farmers’ decision making to work with middlemen/traders ‘jabbans’ (or cheese makers), and based on those identify...
Performance of indigenous and exotic×indigenous sheep breeds fed different diets in spring and the efficiency of feeding system in crop–livestock farming
Genetic variation in feed efficiency may have a significant impact on sheep production in integrated crop livestock farming systems in dry areas, where the shortage and poor quality of feed is widespread. Thus, the present study was carried out...
A SSR kit to study genetic diversity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
A chickpea simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker reference kit has been developed based on the genotyping of the global chickpea composite collection (3,000 accessions) with 35 SSR markers. The kit consists of three pools of chickpea accessions...
Impact of Improved Maize Adoption on Welfare of Farm Households in Malawi: A Panel Data Analysis
This paper assesses rural households’ decision to use improved maize varieties in Malawi and examines its impact on household welfare using a three-year household panel data. The distributional effect of maize technology adoption is investigated...