Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable shrub species: Retama: A resilient, pioneer plant for rangeland rehabilitation and stable ecosystems
Retama is noted as an important multi-purpose species in need of conservation. It is a drought-tolerant legume species native to the Mediterranean, which is beneficial for dune stabilization and rangeland rehabilitation. Retama can also...
Analysis of long term meteorological trends in the middle and lower Indus Basin of Pakistan—A non-parametric statistical approach
The Indus basin of Pakistan is vulnerable to climate change which would directly affect the livelihoods of poor people engaged in irrigated agriculture. The situation could be worse in middle and lower part of this basin which occupies 90% of...
Scaling up successful practices for pro-poor development projects involving goats: First outputs of a comparative study
Goat livestock is generally considered as an efficient activity for smallholders to eradicate poverty in many situations. More and more projects are submitted for donors who have still few references and data to evaluate if these proposals could...
Inheritance of spot blotch resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Singh, S., Singh, H., Sharma, A., Meeta, M., Singh, B., Joshi, N., Grover, P., Al-Yassin, A. and Kumar, S. 2014. Inheritance of spot blotch resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Can. J. Plant Sci. 94: 1203–1209. Spot blotch, caused by...
Sensitivity of vegetation indices and gross primary production of tallgrass prairie to severe drought
Drought affects vegetation photosynthesis and growth.Many studies have used the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which is calculated as the normalized ratio between near infrared and red spectral bands in satellite images, to...
Global Wild Annual Lens Collection: A Potential Resource for Lentil Genetic Base Broadening and Yield Enhancement
Crop wild relatives (CWRs) are invaluable gene sources for various traits of interest, yet these potential resources are themselves increasingly threatened by the impact of climate change as well as other anthropogenic and socio-economic factors...
Assessment of on-farm diversity of wheat varieties and landraces: Evidence from farmer’s fields in Ethiopia
Analysis of spatial diversity, temporal diversity and coefficient of parentage (COP) were carried out along with measurements of agronomic and morphological traits to explain on-farm diversity of modern varieties or landraces of wheat (Triticum...
Iraq Harvest: Progress and achievements of the HSAD-Iraq program
The main aim of the nationwide HSAD project is to assist the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture in identifying and addressing key constraints to greater competitiveness of selected agriculture and agribusiness value chains. This magazine summarizes...
Rare allele of HvLox-1 associated with lipoxygenase activity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Key message: Identification and allele-specific marker development of a functional SNP of HvLox - 1 which associated with barley lipoxygenase activity. Abstract Improving the stability of the flavor of beer is one of the main objectives in...
Tillage System Affects Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Quality in Central Morocco
Stabilizing or improving soil organic carbon content is essential for sustainable crop production under changing climate conditions. Therefore, soil organic carbon research is gaining momentum in the Mediterranean basin. Our objective is to...