Livestock Migration in the Arid Region of Rajasthan (India) - Strategy to Cope with Fodder and Water Scarcity -
Livestock rearing is an important pathway out of poverty for both pastoralist communities and mixed crop-livestock fanners in drylands. Pastoral cnt.ecprises make an important contribution to the state, as well as to the national economy...
Correlation and path coefficient analysis of seed yield and yield components in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) genotypes in Ethiopia
Knowledge of correlation among different traits and further partitioning of the correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects on yield is one of the approaches to understand the nature and extent of the relationship among characters...
A new technique to map groundwater recharge in irrigated areas using a SWAT model under changing climate
The Lower Chenab canal irrigation scheme, the largest irrigation scheme of the Indus Basin irrigation system was selected for an estimate of groundwater recharge using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) at high spatial and temporal...
Economics of salt-induced land degradation and restoration
Food security concerns and the scarcity of new productive land have put productivity enhancement of degraded lands back on the political agenda. In such a context, salt-affected lands are a valuable resource that cannot be neglected nor easily...
The potential and uptake of remote sensing in insurance: A review
Global insurance markets are vast and diverse, and may offer many opportunities for remote sensing. To date, however, few operational applications of remote sensing for insurance exist. Papers claiming potential application of remote sensing...
Genetic enhancement of food legumes for nutritional security and sustainable cereal-based cropping systems
Food legume crops are cultivated since the earliest days of agriculture for human food and animal feed.Today these crops are grown globally, providing food and nutritional security. In particular, they are the main source of protein, macro and...
Breeding programs for smallholder sheep farming systems: I. Evaluation of alternative designs of breeding schemes
Village- and central nucleus-based schemes were simulated and evaluated for their relative bio-economic efficiencies, using Ethiopia’s Menz sheep as example. The schemes were: village-based 2-tier (Scheme-1) and 1-tier (Scheme-2) cooperative...
Breeding programmes for smallholder sheep farming systems: II. Optimization of cooperative village breeding schemes
A simulation study was conducted to optimize a cooperative village-based sheep breeding scheme for Menz sheep of Ethiopia. Genetic gains and profits were estimated under nine levels of farmers’ participation and three scenarios of controlled...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable shrub species: Periploca: A soil stabilizing shrub that can grow in poor soils
Periploca laevigata is an important shrub for grazing in the dry season. Although it contains tannins, it is palatable and is grazed mainly by camels, sheep, and goats. As this plant is able to grow in dry and rocky conditions in the poorest of...